This class is an IDL representation of the LocationRequest element from the Satellite Situation Center (SSC) XML schema.
Author information
- Author
B. Harris
- Copyright
Copyright (c) 2013 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.
Class description for SpdfLocationRequest
Subclasses: SpdfSscDataRequest
Properties in SpdfLocationRequest
- bFieldModel init
- description init
Methods inherited from SpdfRequest
result = SpdfRequest::getDescription()
result = SpdfRequest::init(timeInterval [, description=string] [, bFieldModel=SpdfBFieldModel])
result = SpdfRequest::createDomElement(doc, subClassName)
result = SpdfRequest::getTimeInterval()
result = SpdfRequest::getBFieldModel()
Routines from spdflocationrequest__define.pro
result = SpdfLocationRequest::init(timeInterval, satellites [, description=string] [, bFieldModel=SpdfBFieldModel])
Creates an SpdfLocationRequest object.
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
result = SpdfLocationRequest::getSatellites()
Gets the satellites.
result = SpdfLocationRequest::createDomElement(doc, subClassName)
Creates a LocationRequest element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object.
Defines the SpdfLocationRequest class.
Routine details
top source SpdfLocationRequest::init
result = SpdfLocationRequest::init(timeInterval, satellites [, description=string] [, bFieldModel=SpdfBFieldModel])
Creates an SpdfLocationRequest object.
Return value
reference to an SpdfLocationRequest object.
- timeInterval in type=SpdfTimeInterval
time interval of this request.
- satellites in type=objarr of SpdfSatelliteSpecification
requested satellites.
- description in optional type=string
a textual description of this request.
- bFieldModel in optional type=SpdfBFieldModel
magnetic field model to use. If not given, the Tsyganenko 89c model is used.
top source SpdfLocationRequest::cleanup
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
top source SpdfLocationRequest::getSatellites
result = SpdfLocationRequest::getSatellites()
Gets the satellites.
Return value
objarr containing satellites or objarr(1) whose first element is !obj_valid().
top source SpdfLocationRequest::createDomElement
result = SpdfLocationRequest::createDomElement(doc, subClassName)
Creates a LocationRequest element using the given XML DOM document with the values of this object.
Return value
a reference to a new IDLffXMLDOMElement representation of this object.
- doc in type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument
document in which to create the LocationRequest element.
- subClassName in
{type=string] sub-class name.
File attributes
Modification date: | Fri May 13 08:54:13 2022 |
Lines: | 44 |
SSC Feedback.