; ; NOSA HEADER START ; ; The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the NASA Open ; Source Agreement (NOSA), Version 1.3 only (the "Agreement"). You may ; not use this file except in compliance with the Agreement. ; ; You can obtain a copy of the agreement at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt ; or ; https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. ; ; See the Agreement for the specific language governing permissions ; and limitations under the Agreement. ; ; When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each ; file and include the Agreement file at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. If applicable, add the ; following below this NOSA HEADER, with the fields enclosed by ; brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: ; Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner} ; ; NOSA HEADER END ; ; Copyright (c) 2013-2021 United States Government as represented by ; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is ; claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other ; Rights Reserved. ; ; ;+ ; This class represents the remotely callable interface to ; <a href="https://www.nasa.gov/">NASA</a>'s ; <a href="https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/">Space Physics Data Facility</a> ; (SPDF) ; <a href="https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/">Satellite Situation Center</a> ; (SSC). The current implementation only support the ; <a href="https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/REST/#Get_Locations_POST"> ; "data locations" functionality</a>. Supporting the "text (listing) ; locations", "conjunctions" and/or "graphs" functionality is a ; future possibility if there were sufficient interest. ; ; @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2017 United States Government as ; represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ; No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, ; U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. ; ; @author B. Harris ;- ;+ ; Creates an object representing SSC. ; ; @keyword endpoint {in} {optional} {type=string} ; {default=self->getDefaultEndpoint()} ; URL of SSC web service . ; @keyword userAgent {in} {optional} {type=string} {default=SscWs} ; HTTP user-agent value used in communications with SSC. ; @keyword sslVerifyPeer {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=1} ; Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL ; certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection ; succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate ; contains. ; @returns a reference to a SSC object. ;- function SpdfSsc::init, $ endpoint = endpoint, $ userAgent = userAgent, $ sslVerifyPeer = sslVerifyPeer compile_opt idl2 version = '%VERSION*' currentVersionUrl = $ 'https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/REST/spdfSscVersion.txt' if ~keyword_set(endpoint) then begin endpoint = self->getDefaultEndpoint() endif if ~keyword_set(userAgent) then userAgent = 'SscWs' obj = self->SpdfRest::init( $ endpoint, version, currentVersionUrl, $ userAgent = userAgent + '/' + version, $ sslVerifyPeer = sslVerifyPeer) return, obj end ;+ ; Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed. ;- pro SpdfSsc::cleanup compile_opt idl2 self->SpdfRest::cleanup end ;+ ; Gets the default endpoint value. ; ; @returns default endpoint string value. ;- function SpdfSsc::getDefaultEndpoint compile_opt idl2 endpoint = 'http' releaseComponents = strsplit(!version.release, '.', /extract) if (releaseComponents[0] ge '8') or $ (releaseComponents[0] eq '8' and $ releaseComponents[1] ge '4') then begin ; Even though earlier versions of IDL are suppose to support ; https, they do not (at least they do not support https to ; cdaweb). endpoint = endpoint + 's' endif return, endpoint + '://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2' end ;+ ; Gets a description of all the observatories that are available. ; ; @keyword httpErrorReporter {in} {optional} ; {type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter} ; used to report an HTTP error. ; @returns array of SpdfObservatoryDescription objects. ;- function SpdfSsc::getObservatories, $ httpErrorReporter=errorReporter compile_opt idl2 url = self.endpoint + '/observatories' observatoryDom = $ self->makeGetRequest(url, errorReporter=errorReporter) if ~obj_valid(observatoryDom) then return, objarr(1) observatoryElements = $ observatoryDom->getElementsByTagName('Observatory') observatories = objarr(observatoryElements->getLength(), /nozero) for i = 0, observatoryElements->getLength() - 1 do begin observatoryElement = observatoryElements->item(i) id = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ observatoryElement, 'Id') name = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ observatoryElement, 'Name') resolution = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ observatoryElement, 'Resolution') startTime = $ self->getJulDate((observatoryElement->$ getElementsByTagName('StartTime'))->item(0)) endTime = $ self->getJulDate((observatoryElement->$ getElementsByTagName('EndTime'))->item(0)) geometry = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ observatoryElement, 'Geometry') trajectoryGeometry = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ observatoryElement, 'TrajectoryGeometry') resourceId = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ observatoryElement, 'ResourceId') groupIds = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ observatoryElement, 'GroupId') observatories[i] = $ obj_new('SpdfObservatoryDescription', id, name, $ resolution, startTime, endTime, geometry, $ trajectoryGeometry, resourceId, groupIds) endfor obj_destroy, observatoryDom return, observatories end ;+ ; Gets a description of all the ground stations that are available. ; ; @keyword httpErrorReporter {in} {optional} ; {type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter} ; used to report an HTTP error. ; @returns array of SpdfGroundStation objects. ;- function SpdfSsc::getGroundStations, $ httpErrorReporter=errorReporter compile_opt idl2 url = self.endpoint + '/groundStations' gsDom = self->makeGetRequest(url, errorReporter=errorReporter) if ~obj_valid(gsDom) then return, objarr(1) gsElements = gsDom->getElementsByTagName('GroundStation') groundStations = objarr(gsElements->getLength(), /nozero) for i = 0, gsElements->getLength() - 1 do begin gsElement = gsElements->item(i) id = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue(gsElement, 'Id') name = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue(gsElement, 'Name') latitude = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ gsElement, 'Latitude') longitude = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ gsElement, 'Longitude') location = obj_new('SpdfSurfaceGeographicCoordinates', $ latitude, longitude) groundStations[i] = $ obj_new('SpdfGroundStation', id, name, location) endfor obj_destroy, gsDom return, groundStations end ;+ ; Request the specified satellite location information from SSC. ; ; @private ; ; @param locationRequest {in} {type=SpdfLocationRequest} ; specifies the information to get. ; @keyword httpErrorReporter {in} {optional} ; {type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter} ; used to report an HTTP error. ; @returns an SpdfSscDataResult or SpdfSscFileResult object. ;- function SpdfSsc::getLocations, $ locationRequest, $ httpErrorReporter = errorReporter compile_opt idl2 url = self.endpoint + '/locations' requestDoc = obj_new('IDLffXMLDOMDocument') requestDom = $ requestDoc->appendChild( $ locationRequest->createDomElement(requestDoc)) requestDoc->save, string=xmlRequest obj_destroy, requestDoc resultDoc = self->makePostRequest(url, xmlRequest, $ errorReporter = errorReporter) if ~obj_valid(resultDoc) then return, obj_new() fileNodeList= resultDoc->getElementsByTagName('Files') if fileNodeList->getLength() eq 0 then begin dataResult = self->getDataResult(resultDoc) endif else begin dataResult = self->getFileResult(resultDoc) endelse obj_destroy, resultDoc return, dataResult end ;+ ; Gets the node's time values from the given DOM element. ; ; @private ; ; @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; DOM element to search. ; @keyword name {in} {optional} {type=string} {default='Time'} ; name of time tag. ; @returns node's julday time value(s) from the given DOM element. ; A scalar value of !values.d_NaN is returned if no value is found. ;- function SpdfSsc::getTime, $ domElement, $ name = name compile_opt idl2 if keyword_set(name) then name = name else name = 'Time' nodeList = domElement->getElementsByTagName(name) if nodeList->getLength() eq 0 then return, !values.d_NaN values = dblarr(nodeList->getLength()) for i = 0, nodeList->getLength() - 1 do begin domNode = nodeList->item(i) values[i] = self->getJulDate(domNode) endfor if n_elements(values) eq 1 then return, values[0] $ else return, values end ;+ ; Gets the specified node values from the given ssc:DataResult XML ; document. ; ; @private ; ; @param resultDoc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} ; SpdfSscDataResult XML document. ; @param type {in} {type=string} ; name of elements whose value is to be gotten. ; @returns strarr of the specified node values from the given document. ;- function SpdfSsc::getDataResultText, $ resultDoc, type compile_opt idl2 return, self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue(resultDoc, type) end ;+ ; Creates an SpdfSscFileResult object from the given ssc:DataResult ; XML document. ; ; @private ; ; @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} ; SpdfSscDataResult XML document. ; @returns SpdfSscFileResult object. ;- function SpdfSsc::getFileResult, $ doc compile_opt idl2 ; doc->save, filename='getFileResult.xml', /pretty_print statusCode = self->getDataResultText(doc, 'StatusCode') statusSubCode = self->getDataResultText(doc, 'StatusSubCode') statusText = self->getDataResultText(doc, 'StatusText') if statusCode eq '' then begin ; This will not be necessary when the server is fixed to ; include it in a FileResult (fix is in R2.2.7). statusCode = 'Success' endif if statusCode ne 'Success' then begin print, 'StatusCode: ', statusCode print, 'StatusSubCode: ', statusSubCode print, 'StatusText: ', statusText return, obj_new() endif files = self->getFiles(doc) fileResult = obj_new('SpdfSscFileResult', $ files, $ statusCode = statusCode, $ statusSubCode = statusSubCode, $ statusText = statusText) return, fileResult end ;+ ; Creates an array of SpdfSscFileDescription objects from the given ; ssc:Files XML document. ; ; @private ; ; @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} ; SpdfFileResult XML document. ; @returns objarr containing SpdfSscFileDescriptions or an objarr(1) whose ; first element is ~obj_valid(). ;- function SpdfSsc::getFiles, $ doc compile_opt idl2 ; doc->save, filename='files.xml', /pretty_print filesElements = $ doc->getElementsByTagName('Files') if filesElements->getLength() eq 0 then begin return, objarr(1) endif files = objarr(filesElements->getLength()) for i = 0, filesElements->getLength() - 1 do begin filesElement = filesElements->item(i) name = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ filesElement, 'Name') mimeType = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ filesElement, 'MimeType') length = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ filesElement, 'Length') lastModified = self->getTime(filesElement, name='LastModified') files[i] = obj_new('SpdfSscFileDescription', $ name, $ mimeType, $ length, $ lastModified) endfor return, files end ;+ ; Creates an SpdfSscDataResult object from the given ssc:DataResult ; XML document. ; ; @private ; ; @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} ; SpdfSscDataResult XML document. ; @returns SpdfSscDataResult object. ;- function SpdfSsc::getDataResult, $ doc compile_opt idl2 doc->save, filename='getDataResult.xml', /pretty_print statusCode = self->getDataResultText(doc, 'StatusCode') statusSubCode = self->getDataResultText(doc, 'StatusSubCode') statusText = self->getDataResultText(doc, 'StatusText') if statusCode ne 'Success' then begin print, 'StatusCode: ', statusCode print, 'StatusSubCode: ', statusSubCode print, 'StatusText: ', statusText return, obj_new() endif data = self->getSatelliteData(doc) dataResult = obj_new('SpdfSscDataResult', $ data, $ statusCode = statusCode, $ statusSubCode = statusSubCode, $ statusText = statusText) return, dataResult end ;+ ; Creates an SpdfSatelliteData object from the given ssc:SatelliteData ; XML document. ; ; @private ; ; @param doc {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMDocument} ; SpdfSatelliteData XML document. ; @returns objarr containing SpdfSatelliteData or an objarr(1) whose ; first element is ~obj_valid(). ;- function SpdfSsc::getSatelliteData, $ doc compile_opt idl2 ; doc->save, filename='satData.xml', /pretty_print satDataElements = $ doc->getElementsByTagName('Data') if satDataElements->getLength() eq 0 then begin return, objarr(1) endif satData = objarr(satDataElements->getLength()) for i = 0, satDataElements->getLength() - 1 do begin satDataElement = satDataElements->item(i) id = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ satDataElement, 'Id') coordinateData = $ self->getCoordinateData(satDataElement) time = self->getTime(satDataElement) bTraceData = self->getBTraceData(satDataElement) radialLength = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData( $ satDataElement, 'RadialLength') magneticStrength = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData( $ satDataElement, 'MagneticStrength') neutralSheetDistance = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData( $ satDataElement, 'NeutralSheetDistance') bowShockDistance = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData( $ satDataElement, 'BowShockDistance') magnetoPauseDistance = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData( $ satDataElement, 'MagnetoPauseDistance') dipoleLValue = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData( $ satDataElement, 'DipoleLValue') dipoleInvariantLatitude = $ self->getFloatSatelliteData( $ satDataElement, 'DipoleInvariantLatitude') spacecraftRegion = $ self->getSatelliteRegionData( $ satDataElement, 'SpacecraftRegion') radialTracedFootpointRegions = $ self->getSatelliteRegionData( $ satDataElement, 'RadialTracedFootpointRegions') bGseX = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData(satDataElement, 'BGseX') bGseY = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData(satDataElement, 'BGseY') bGseZ = $ self->getDoubleSatelliteData(satDataElement, 'BGseZ') northBTracedFootpointRegions = $ self->getSatelliteRegionData( $ satDataElement, 'NorthBTracedFootpointRegions') southBTracedFootpointRegions = $ self->getSatelliteRegionData( $ satDataElement, 'SouthBTracedFootpointRegions') satData[i] = obj_new('SpdfSatelliteData', $ id, $ coordinateData, $ time, $ bTraceData = bTraceData, $ radialLength = radialLength, $ magneticStrength = magneticStrength, $ neutralSheetDistance = neutralSheetDistance, $ bowShockDistance = bowShockDistance, $ magnetoPauseDistance = magnetoPauseDistance, $ dipoleLValue = dipoleLValue, $ dipoleInvariantLatitude = dipoleInvariantLatitude, $ spacecraftRegion = spacecraftRegion, $ radialTracedFootpointRegions = $ radialTracedFootpointRegions, $ bGseX = bGseX, $ bGseY = bGseY, $ bGseZ = bGseZ, $ northBTracedFootpointRegions = $ northBTracedFootpointRegions, $ southBTracedFootpointRegions = $ southBTracedFootpointRegions) endfor return, satData end ;+ ; Creates an SpdfCoordinateData object from the given ssc:SatelliteData ; XML element. ; ; @private ; ; @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; SpdfSatelliteData XML element. ; @returns SpdfCoordinateData object. ;- function SpdfSsc::getCoordinateData, $ satDataElement compile_opt idl2 nodeList = satDataElement->getElementsByTagName('Coordinates') if nodeList->getLength() eq 0 then return, obj_new() coordinatesElement = nodeList->item(0) coordinateSystem = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ coordinatesElement, 'CoordinateSystem') x = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildDoubleValue( $ coordinatesElement, 'X') y = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildDoubleValue( $ coordinatesElement, 'Y') z = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildDoubleValue( $ coordinatesElement, 'Z') latitude = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildFloatValue( $ coordinatesElement, 'Latitude') longitude = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildFloatValue( $ coordinatesElement, 'Longitude') localTime = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildDoubleValue( $ coordinatesElement, 'LocalTime') coordinateData = $ obj_new('SpdfCoordinateData', $ coordinateSystem, $ x = x, $ y = y, $ z = z, $ latitude = latitude, $ longitude = longitude, $ localTime = localTime) return, coordinateData end ;+ ; Creates an SpdfBTraceData object from the given ssc:BTraceData ; XML element. ; ; @private ; ; @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; SpdfSatelliteData XML element. ; @returns SpdfCoordinateData object. ;- function SpdfSsc::getBTraceData, $ satDataElement compile_opt idl2 bTraceDataElements = $ satDataElement->getElementsByTagName('BTraceData') if bTraceDataElements->getLength() eq 0 then begin return, objarr(1) endif bTraceData = objarr(bTraceDataElements->getLength()) for i = 0, bTraceDataElements->getLength() - 1 do begin bTraceDataElement = bTraceDataElements->item(i) coordinateSystem = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ bTraceDataElement, 'CoordinateSystem') hemisphere = $ self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ bTraceDataElement, 'Hemisphere') latitude = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildFloatValue( $ bTraceDataElement, 'Latitude') longitude = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildFloatValue( $ bTraceDataElement, 'Longitude') arcLength = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildDoubleValue( $ bTraceDataElement, 'ArcLength') bTraceData[i] = $ obj_new('SpdfBTraceData', $ coordinateSystem, $ hemisphere, $ latitude = latitude, $ longitude = longitude, $ arcLength = arcLength) endfor return, bTraceData end ;+ ; Gets the specified double data values from the given satellite data. ; ; @private ; ; @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; Satellite XML element. ; @param name {in} {type=string} ; name of satellite data to get. ; @returns array of double values. ;- function SpdfSsc::getDoubleSatelliteData, $ satDataElement, $ name compile_opt idl2 values = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildDoubleValue( $ satDataElement, name) return, values end ;+ ; Gets the specified float data values from the given satellite data. ; ; @private ; ; @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; Satellite XML element. ; @param name {in} {type=string} ; name of satellite data to get. ; @returns array of float values. ;- function SpdfSsc::getFloatSatelliteData, $ satDataElement, $ name compile_opt idl2 values = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildFloatValue( $ satDataElement, name) return, values end ;+ ; Gets the specified region data values from the given satellite data. ; ; @private ; ; @param satDataElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; Satellite XML element. ; @param name {in} {type=string} ; name of region data to get. ; @returns strarr of region values. An empty string is returned ; if the value cannot be found. ;- function SpdfSsc::getSatelliteRegionData, $ satDataElement, $ name compile_opt idl2 values = self->getNamedElementsFirstChildValue( $ satDataElement, name) return, values end ;+ ; Defines the SpdfSsc class. ; ;- pro SpdfSsc__define compile_opt idl2 struct = { SpdfSsc, $ inherits SpdfRest $ } end