; The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the NASA Open
; Source Agreement (NOSA), Version 1.3 only (the "Agreement"). You may
; not use this file except in compliance with the Agreement.
; You can obtain a copy of the agreement at
; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt
; or
; https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt.
; See the Agreement for the specific language governing permissions
; and limitations under the Agreement.
; When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each
; file and include the Agreement file at
; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. If applicable, add the
; following below this NOSA HEADER, with the fields enclosed by
; brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
; Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
; Copyright (c) 2014-2024 United States Government as represented by the
; National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed
; in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.
; This class is an IDL representation of the FileDescription
; element from the
; <a href="https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/">File Situation Center</a>
; (SSC) XML schema.
; @copyright Copyright (c) 2014-2024 United States Government as
; represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
; No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17,
; U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.
; @author B. Harris
; Creates an SpdfSscFileDescription object.
; If access to the Internet is through an HTTP proxy, the caller
; should ensure that the HTTP_PROXY environment is correctly set
; before this method is called. The HTTP_PROXY value should be of
; the form
; http://username:password@hostname:port/.
; @param name {in} {type=string}
; file name.
; @param mimeType {in} {type=string}
; file's MIME type.
; @param length {in} {type=int}
; file's size in bytes.
; @param lastModified {in} {type=julday}
; time of last modification to file.
; @returns reference to an SpdfSscFileDescription object.
function SpdfSscFileDescription::init, $
name, mimeType, length, lastModified
compile_opt idl2
self.name = name
self.mimeType = mimeType
self.length = length
self.lastModified = lastModified
http_proxy = getenv('HTTP_PROXY')
if strlen(http_proxy) gt 0 then begin
proxyComponents = parse_url(http_proxy)
self.proxy_hostname = proxyComponents.host
self.proxy_password = proxyComponents.password
self.proxy_port = proxyComponents.port
self.proxy_username = proxyComponents.username
if strlen(self.proxy_username) gt 0 then begin
self.proxy_authentication = 3
return, self
; Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
pro SpdfSscFileDescription::cleanup
compile_opt idl2
; Gets the name of the file.
; @returns name of the file.
function SpdfSscFileDescription::getName
compile_opt idl2
return, self.name
; Gets the MIME type of the file.
; @returns MIME type of the file.
function SpdfSscFileDescription::getMimeType
compile_opt idl2
return, self.mimeType
; Gets the length of the file.
; @returns length of the file.
function SpdfSscFileDescription::getLength
compile_opt idl2
return, self.length
; Gets the last modified time.
; @returns last modified time.
function SpdfSscFileDescription::getLastModified
compile_opt idl2
return, self.lastModified
; Prints a textual representation of this object.
pro SpdfSscFileDescription::print
compile_opt idl2
print, ' ', self.name, ': ', self.mimeType
; Retrieves this file from a remote HTTP or FTP server and writes
; it to disk, a memory buffer, or an array of strings. The returned
; data is written to disk in the location specified by the FILENAME
; keyword. If the filename is not specified, the local name will be
; the same as this file's name in the current working directory.
; @keyword buffer {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false}
; if this keyword is set, the return value is a buffer
; and the FILENAME keyword is ignored.
; @keyword filename {in} {optional} {type=string}
; set this keyword equal to a string that holds the file
; name and path where the retrieved file is locally stored.
; If FILENAME specifies a full path, the file is stored in
; the specified path. If FILENAME specifies a relative
; path, the path is relative to IDL's current working
; directory. If FILENAME is not present the file is
; stored in the current working directory under the name
; the basename of filename. If FILENAME is the same
; between calls, the last file received is overwritten.
; @keyword string_array {in} {optional} {type=boolean} {default=false}
; set this keyword to treat the return value as an array
; of strings. If this keyword is set, the FILENAME and
; BUFFER keywords are ignored.
; @keyword callback_function {in} {optional} {type=string}
; this keyword value is the name of the IDL function that
; is to be called during this retrieval operation. The
; callbacks provide feedback to the user about the ongoing
; operation, as well as provide a method to cancel an
; ongoing operation. If this keyword is not set, no
; callback to the caller is made. For information on
; creating a callback function, see "Using Callbacks with
; the IDLnetURL Object" in the IDL documentation.
; @keyword callback_data {in} {optional} {type=reference}
; this keyword value contains data that is passed to the
; caller when a callback is made. The data contained in
; this variable is defined and set by the caller. The
; variable is passed, unmodified, directly to the caller
; as a parameter in the callback function. If this keyword
; is not set, the corresponding callback parameter's value
; is undefined.
; @keyword sslVerifyPeer {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=1}
; Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL
; certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection
; succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate
; contains.
; @returns one of the following: A string containing the full path
; of the file retrieved from the remote HTTP or FTP server,
; A byte vector, if the BUFFER keyword is set, An array of
; strings, if the STRING_ARRAY keyword is set, A null
; string, if no data were returned by the method.
function SpdfSscFileDescription::getFile, $
buffer = buffer, filename = filename, $
string_array = string_array, $
callback_function = callback_function, $
callback_data = callback_data, $
sslVerifyPeer = sslVerifyPeer
compile_opt idl2
if n_elements(filename) eq 0 then begin
urlComponents = parse_url(self.name)
filename = file_basename(urlComponents.path)
if n_elements(sslVerifyPeer) eq 0 then begin
sslVerifyPeer = 1
fileUrl = $
obj_new('IDLnetUrl', $
proxy_authentication = self.proxy_authentication, $
proxy_hostname = self.proxy_hostname, $
proxy_port = self.proxy_port, $
proxy_username = self.proxy_username, $
proxy_password = self.proxy_password, $
ssl_verify_peer = sslVerifyPeer)
if keyword_set(callback_function) then begin
fileUrl -> setProperty, callback_function = callback_function
if keyword_set(callback_data) then begin
fileUrl -> setProperty, callback_data = callback_data
result = fileUrl->get(buffer = buffer, filename = filename, $
string_array = string_array, url = self.name)
obj_destroy, fileUrl
return, result
; Defines the SpdfSscFileDescription class.
; @field name file name.
; @field mimeType file's MIME type.
; @field length file size in bytes.
; @field lastModified julday of the last time the file was modified.
; @field proxy_authentication IDLnetURL PROXY_AUTHENTICATION property
; value.
; @field proxy_hostname IDLnetURL PROXY_HOSTNAME property value.
; @field proxy_password IDLnetURL PROXY_PASSWORD property value.
; @field proxy_port IDLnetURL PROXY_PORT property value.
; @field proxy_username IDLnetURL PROXY_USERNAME property value.
pro SpdfSscFileDescription__define
compile_opt idl2
struct = { SpdfSscFileDescription, $
name:'', $
mimetype:'', $
length:0LL, $
lastModified:0D, $
proxy_authentication:0, $
proxy_hostname:'', $
proxy_password:'', $
proxy_port:'', $
proxy_username:'' $