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sscws Magnetic Field Line Trace Example Jupyter Notebook

This Jupyter notebook demonstrates using the sscws Python package to access satellite location and (modeled) magnetic field-line tracing information. It also demonstrates how to handle an error and display the error message when an invalid request is made. This notebook contains the following sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup
  3. Define a magnetic field line trace request
  4. Get Locations
  5. Error Handling
  6. Additional Documentation


Install the prerequisite software from the Python Package Index if it is not already installed.


Execute some preliminary code that is necessary before the code that follows.

Define a magnetic field line trace request

The following code defines a request for many values including magnetic field line tracing.

Get Locations

The following code submits the request created above to the SSC server and displays the results.

Error Handling

The following code creates an invalid request and demonstrates how to display the error message.

Additional Documentation

View the sscws API for additonal features. Additional notebook examples are also available.