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sscws Conjunction Example Jupyter Notebook

This Jupyter notebook demonstrates using the sscws Python package to find satellite conjunctions. Additionally, it demonstrates using cdasws Python package to get data from cdaweb for the satellite/ground stations involved in the conjunction. This notebook contains the following sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup
  3. Define Conjunction Query
  4. Run Conjunction Query
  5. Display the results
  6. Setup For Access To CDAWeb Data
  7. Get Data During Conjunctions
  8. Additional Documentation


For just satellite conjunctions, install the following software from the Python Package Index if it is not already installed.

To also get data from cdaweb, install the following additional software from the Python Package Index.


Execute some preliminary code that is necessary before the code that follows.

Define Conjunction Query

The following code defines a query to find magnetic field line conjuctions of at least two THEMIS satellites with one of four THEMIS ground stations during the time from 2008-01-05T10:00:00Z to 2008-01-05T11:59:59Z.

Run Conjunction Query

The following code submits the conjunction query to SSC for evaluation.

Display the results

The following code displays the results of the conjunction query.

Setup For Access To CDAWeb Data

The following is code to find the corresponding data from cdaweb. Note that you need to have installed CDF, spacepy, and cdasws as mentioned in prerequisites for the following.

Get Data During Conjunctions

The following code gets data from cdaweb during the conjunctions and plots it.

Additional Documentation

View the sscws API for additional features. Additional notebook examples are also available.