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sscws Example IDL Jupyter Notebook

This notebook demonstrates using the sscws IDL library to access data from sscweb in the IDL programming language. This notebook is for the IDL version of cdasws. A notebook for the Python version is available at python sscws notebook. This notebook contains the following sections:

  1. Installation
  2. Setup
  3. Get Observatories
  4. Get Ground Stations
  5. Get Locations
  6. Additional Documentation


The following contains the procedure to install the sscws IDL library into your IDL environment. There are different procedures for different versions of IDL.

IDL 8.7.1 and higher

If you have an old version of the SPDF_SSC package already installed, remove the old version.

If the lastest version of the SPDF_SSC package is not already installed, install it as shown below.

You only need to install a particular version of the package once. You will need to restore the package everytime you restart your IDL session. Restore the package as shown below.

IDL 8.4.0 and newer

Download and restore spdfssc.sav. You will need to restore the package everytime you restart your IDL session.


Create an SpdfSsc object that will be used in the code that follows.

Get Observatories

The following code demonstrates how to get the list of available observatories.

Get Ground Stations

The following code demonstrates how to get the list of available ground stations.

Get Locations

The following code gets location information for the International Space Station (ISS) spacecraft and plots the ISS location information.

Additional Documentation

View the sscsws API for additional functions.