The Satellite Situation Center (SSC) is a system to cast geocentric spacecraft location information into a framework of (empirical) geophysical regions and mappings of spacecraft locations along lines of the Earth's magnetic field. This capability is one key to mission science planning (both single missions and coordinated observations of multiple spacecraft with ground-based investigations) and to subsequent multi-mission data analysis. While SSCWeb provides access to the system through an HTML-based user interface, these Web services provides a distributed programming interface to SSC. Figure 1.1-1 shows a simplified view of the software architecture.
SSC Client Program |
SSC Web services |
SSC Unique Client Artifacts |
SSC Unique Server Artifacts |
JAX-WS Runtime | ![]() |
JAX-WS Runtime |
Table 1.1-1 describes each component in more detail.
Component | Description | Source |
SSC Client Program | A SSC client program. It may use the SSC unique artifacts and JAX-WS or some other runtime support library. | Developed by any organization wishing to use the SSC Web services. |
SSC Unique Client Artifacts | SSC unique client wrapper to the JAX-WS library. This code is generated by the wsimport tool included with the Java EE. | Provided in the SSC Web services SDK by the group which developed the SSC Web services. |
JAX-WS runtime | JAX-WS runtime which handles the actual formatting and sending and receiving of SOAP messages. | Java EE Application Server. |
SSC Unique Ties | SSC unique server wrapper to the JAX-WS library. This code is generated by the wsgen tool included with the Java EE. | Automatically generated by the Web Application Server when the SSC Web services are deployed. |
SSC Web services | The implementation of the SSC Web services. This component interfaces with existing SSC software and data to fulfill Web service requests. | Delivered with the SSC Web services by the group which developed the SSC Web services. |
This sections describes issues related to utilizing the SSC Web Services API from any type of client. That is, the issues described in this section apply to all clients irrespective of the programming language/tools used to develop the client or runtime enviroment in which the client is executed. The following issues are common to all types of clients:
These issues are described below.
You are strongly encouraged to have your client set the HTTP User-Agent header (RFC 2068) to a value that identifies your client application in each SSC Web Service request that it makes. This will allow us to measure the usefulness of these services and justify their continued support. It isn't too important what value you use but it's best if it uniquely identifies your application. The specifics of how to do this in the client varies depending upon the programming language and support libraries used for the client. The example Java client described below contains the code required to set the header in a Java/JAX-RPC client. If you are unable or unwilling to set the User-Agent value in your client but still want us to know that your client uses the SSC Web Services, you may send a description of your client and any comments about the SSC Web Services to SSC.
There are server computer resource limits imposed on the SSC Web services. While these limits are not expected to be limiting for legitimate requests, making requests for a long period of time or for a large number of spacecraft can exceed these limits and result in a "request exceeded computer resource limits" exception. A client may want to be prepared to deal with such occasions.
The WSDL file provides a standard description of SSC web services. The file is available from You may want to save the file to your computer's disk for later use.
Note |
Depending upon your browser's XML capabilities and how it handles an XML file that doesn't contain any style information, you may need to use the browser's "view source" option to view the WSDL in the browser. Recent versions of Internet Explorer and Mozilla will have no problem displaying the WSDL. Alternately, you may force the browser to save the WSDL file and view it using another application. The file should be viewable in a simple text editor. |
Many programming languages now understand WSDL and can use this file to automatically invoke SSC services. For example, the WSDL can be imported into .NET, converted into Java code using the JAX-WS wsimport tool, or used directly by Interactive Development Environments (IDEs) like Netbeans. Refer to your particular development tools' documentation to learn how to use the provided WSDL file to develop a client application. If you are developing your client in a language other than Java or don't want to use the included Java library, then you must use the WSDL and can ignore the next section.
For convenience, we have included a Java library based upon JAX-WS. It is not necessary to use this library but it will be the easiest way for someone developing a Java client to access the SSC Web Services. You may use the WSDL described above along with any other standards complying web service development tools to develop a client instead of using this library.
The Java API provides an easy to use, high level API for accessing the SSC web services. It was developed using JAX-WS 2.0. Here is a description of the SSC Web services Java API . In order to use the Java library include in this SDK, you must already have a Java JDK with the JAX-WS 2.0 run-time class libraries. Java SE JDK 1.6 through 8 included the JAX-WS run-time class libraries. But for Java 11, you obtain the libraries elsewhere.
The sscWebServiceJaxWs-client.jar library provided with this kit contains an application that can be used to test the client run-time environment with the SSC web services. To use the test client, use the equivalent of the following, single line command for your environment:
java -jar sscWebServicesJaxWs-client.jar
This should produce output similar to the following:
Privacy and Important Notices: Time to execute getPrivacyAndImportantNotices = 1.421seconds Satellites: ace ACE 720s 1997-08-26T00:00:00Z - 2007-06-13T14:48:00Z active Active 60s 1989-09-29T00:00:00Z - 1991-10-04T08:00:00Z akebono Akebono 60s 1989-02-23T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-08T00:00:00Z apex APEX-MAIN 60s 1991-12-17T00:00:00Z - 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z astrid2 ASTRID II 60s 1998-12-12T00:00:00Z - 2002-04-03T00:00:00Z cce CCE (AMPTE/CCE) 60s 1984-08-17T00:00:00Z - 1988-01-01T08:00:00Z champ CHAMP 60s 2000-11-09T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-08T00:00:00Z chandra Chandra 60s 2007-01-05T00:46:00Z - 2007-07-10T00:00:00Z cluster1 Cluster-1 60s 2000-08-09T12:41:59Z - 2010-01-01T01:58:59Z cluster2 Cluster-2 60s 2000-07-16T14:07:59Z - 2010-01-01T00:10:59Z cluster3 Cluster-3 60s 2000-07-16T14:07:59Z - 2010-01-01T00:57:00Z cluster4 Cluster-4 60s 2000-08-09T12:41:59Z - 2010-01-01T00:36:00Z crres CRRES 60s 1990-07-25T23:00:00Z - 1991-12-04T08:00:00Z de1 DE-1 60s 1981-08-03T10:37:59Z - 1991-03-02T08:00:00Z de2 DE-2 60s 1981-08-04T00:00:00Z - 1983-02-19T12:19:00Z demeter DEMETER 60s 2004-08-31T00:00:00Z - 2007-04-30T05:49:00Z dmspf10 DMSP-10 60s 1990-12-02T00:00:00Z - 1999-09-12T00:00:00Z dmspf11 DMSP-11 60s 1991-11-29T00:00:00Z - 2003-09-09T00:00:00Z dmspf12 DMSP-12 60s 1994-09-16T00:00:00Z - 2003-09-09T00:00:00Z dmspf13 DMSP-13 60s 1995-04-13T00:00:00Z - 2007-04-29T00:00:00Z dmspf14 DMSP-14 60s 1997-04-20T00:00:00Z - 2007-04-29T00:00:00Z dmspf15 DMSP-15 60s 1999-12-13T00:00:00Z - 2007-04-29T00:00:00Z dmspf16 DMSP-16 60s 2003-10-18T00:00:00Z - 2007-04-29T00:00:00Z dmspf17 DMSP-17 60s 2006-11-05T16:30:00Z - 2007-04-29T00:00:00Z dmspf8 DMSP-8 60s 1990-01-01T00:00:00Z - 1994-09-13T08:00:00Z dmspf9 DMSP-9 60s 1990-01-01T00:00:00Z - 1992-11-01T08:00:00Z doublestar1 Double Star 1 60s 2004-01-03T07:05:59Z - 2007-10-10T12:37:00Z doublestar2 Double Star 2 60s 2004-09-16T23:53:59Z - 2007-12-31T23:58:59Z equators Equator-S 60s 1997-12-12T16:00:00Z - 1998-09-24T08:00:00Z fast FAST 60s 1996-08-22T00:00:00Z - 2009-12-23T00:00:00Z freja Freja 60s 1992-10-07T00:00:00Z - 2000-05-11T00:00:00Z genesis Genesis 3600s 2001-08-12T00:00:00Z - 2004-09-07T23:00:00Z geotail Geotail 720s 1992-07-26T00:00:00Z - 2010-12-31T23:48:00Z gms3 GMS-3 60s 1986-03-25T00:00:00Z - 1986-07-01T00:00:00Z goes10 GOES-10 180s 1998-06-18T00:00:00Z - 2006-12-01T00:00:00Z goes11 GOES-11 180s 2000-05-17T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-09T00:00:00Z goes12 GOES-12 180s 2002-08-15T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-08T00:00:00Z goes13 GOES-13 180s 2006-06-10T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-07T00:00:00Z goes6 GOES-6 180s 1993-12-01T00:00:00Z - 1995-05-01T08:00:00Z goes7 GOES-7 180s 1987-04-15T00:00:00Z - 1998-12-02T00:00:00Z goes8 GOES-8 180s 1994-07-22T00:00:00Z - 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z goes9 GOES-9 180s 1995-07-29T00:00:00Z - 2006-01-01T00:00:00Z hawkeye Hawkeye 180s 1974-06-09T00:00:00Z - 1978-01-01T08:00:00Z image IMAGE 120s 2000-03-27T00:00:55Z - 2006-07-31T22:37:59Z imp7 IMP-7 720s 1972-09-26T00:00:00Z - 1978-10-01T00:00:00Z imp8 IMP-8 300s 1973-10-30T00:00:00Z - 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z interballaurora Interball Aurora 60s 1996-09-02T00:00:00Z - 1999-07-15T08:00:00Z interballtail Interball Tail 180s 1995-08-04T00:00:00Z - 2000-10-10T08:00:00Z irm IRM (AMPTE/IRM) 720s 1984-09-12T00:00:00Z - 1986-08-30T08:00:00Z isee1 ISEE-1 720s 1977-10-23T00:00:00Z - 1987-09-26T06:35:59Z isee3 ISEE-3 720s 1978-08-16T03:43:59Z - 1984-01-31T23:55:59Z iss ISS 60s 2007-01-01T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-09T00:00:00Z lanl01 LANL-01 180s 2005-06-07T11:00:00Z - 2007-06-14T00:00:00Z lanl02 LANL-02 180s 2005-06-07T09:00:00Z - 2007-06-14T00:00:00Z lanl89 LANL-89 180s 1993-03-15T00:00:00Z - 2001-04-03T02:00:00Z lanl90 LANL-90 180s 1994-05-20T00:00:00Z - 2005-11-10T00:00:00Z lanl91 LANL-91 180s 1993-10-27T02:00:00Z - 2004-11-19T00:00:00Z lanl94 LANL-94 180s 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z - 2007-06-14T00:00:00Z lanl97 LANL-97 180s 1997-07-04T23:00:00Z - 2007-06-14T00:00:00Z microlab1 Microlab1 60s 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z - 2005-04-30T00:00:00Z mir MIR 60s 1995-07-26T00:00:00Z - 2000-11-29T00:00:00Z moon Moon 1728s 1991-07-01T00:00:00Z - 2013-07-05T23:31:11Z moonapollo Moon-Apollo-Era 1728s 1969-01-01T00:00:00Z - 1977-12-31T23:31:11Z msx MSX 60s 1996-04-25T00:00:00Z - 1999-03-04T00:00:00Z noaa12 NOAA-12 60s 1991-05-16T00:00:00Z - 1998-05-02T00:00:00Z noaa14 NOAA-14 60s 1995-01-14T00:00:00Z - 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z noaa15 NOAA-15 60s 1998-05-26T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-08T00:00:00Z noaa16 NOAA-16 60s 2000-09-27T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-08T00:00:00Z noaa17 NOAA-17 60s 2002-06-25T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-08T00:00:00Z oersted Oersted 60s 1999-05-15T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-09T00:00:00Z ogo6 OGO-6 60s 1969-06-05T00:00:00Z - 1970-01-01T08:00:00Z ohzora Ohzora 60s 1984-02-20T00:00:00Z - 1986-04-12T08:00:00Z polar Polar 180s 1996-03-01T00:00:00Z - 2007-12-01T00:00:00Z reimei Reimei 60s 2005-08-25T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-07T00:00:00Z sampex SAMPEX 60s 1992-07-04T00:00:00Z - 2005-01-01T00:00:00Z scatha SCATHA 60s 1979-02-05T00:00:00Z - 1991-01-01T08:00:00Z snoe SNOE 60s 1998-02-27T00:00:00Z - 2004-05-01T00:00:00Z soho SOHO 720s 1995-12-05T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-15T23:48:00Z st5a ST5-A 60s 2006-03-23T00:00:00Z - 2006-08-28T00:00:00Z st5b ST5-B 60s 2006-03-23T00:00:00Z - 2006-08-29T00:00:00Z st5c ST5-C 60s 2006-03-23T00:00:00Z - 2006-08-29T00:00:00Z stereoa STEREO-Ahead 720s 2006-10-27T00:00:00Z - 2007-12-31T23:48:00Z stereob STEREO-Behind 720s 2006-10-27T00:00:00Z - 2007-12-31T23:48:00Z themisa THEMIS-A (P5) 60s 2007-02-17T23:01:29Z - 2009-12-18T00:28:59Z themisb THEMIS-B (P1) 60s 2007-02-17T23:01:29Z - 2009-12-18T00:28:59Z themisc THEMIS-C (P2) 60s 2007-02-17T23:01:29Z - 2009-12-18T00:28:59Z themisd THEMIS-D (P3) 60s 2007-02-17T23:01:29Z - 2009-12-18T00:28:59Z themise THEMIS-E (P4) 60s 2007-02-17T23:01:29Z - 2009-12-18T00:28:59Z timed TIMED 60s 2002-02-07T00:00:00Z - 2007-07-08T00:00:00Z uars UARS 60s 1991-09-20T00:00:00Z - 2006-05-11T00:00:00Z viking Viking 60s 1986-03-05T00:00:00Z - 1987-01-01T00:00:00Z wind Wind 720s 1994-11-16T00:00:00Z - 2007-08-15T00:00:00Z xmm XMM 720s 2006-06-01T04:00:00Z - 2006-09-30T23:48:00Z yohkoh Yohkoh (Solar-A) 60s 1991-09-05T00:00:00Z - 1998-01-02T00:00:00Z Time to execute getAllSatellites = 0.156seconds Ground Stations: SPA -89.99 -13.32 South Pole SBF -77.85 166.75 Scott Base MCM -77.85 166.7 McMurdo SPL -76.0 -84.0 Siple HBA -75.52 -26.6 Halley Bay MZH -70.43 40.2 Mizuho SYO -69.01 39.59 Syowa MAF -67.62 62.89 Mawson FRZ -62.08 -58.39 Ferraz CCF -43.83 172.68 Christchurch ADF -34.56 138.48 Adelaide CTO -33.95 18.47 Cape Town AQF -16.5 -71.5 Arequipa HUA -12.05 -75.34 Huancayo JRO -11.9 -76.0 Jicamarca CIA 1.95 -157.3 Christmas Island KGO 9.3 -5.4 Korhogo GUA 13.58 144.87 Guam ARO 18.3 -66.75 Arecibo SJG 18.38 -66.12 San Juan TEO 19.74 99.19 Teoloyucan HON 21.32 -158.06 Honolulu FIT 28.07 -80.95 Florida Tech. JAX 30.35 -81.6 Jacksonville Univ. SLU 30.44 90.73 SE Louisiana Univ. TUC 32.25 -110.83 Tucson USC 33.34 -81.46 Univ. S. Carolina MUI 34.8 136.1 Shigaraki LAL 35.88 106.67 Los Alamos KAK 36.23 140.19 Kakioka DSO 36.25 -81.4 Dark Sky Obs. BERK 37.881 -122.244 THM_Berkeley ASH 37.95 58.11 Ashkhabad FRD 38.2 -77.4 USGS Fredericksburg ONW 38.43 141.47 Onagawa AFA 39.01 104.88 USAFA Colorado APL 39.17 -76.88 Applied Physics Lab. GDN 39.75 -105.16 Golden UIL 40.1 -88.1 Urbana PLA 40.13 -104.5 Platteville BLD 40.13 105.24 Boulder BOU 40.14 -105.24 Boulder CSL 40.59 -105.14 Ft Collins TKT 41.33 69.62 Tashkent USI 41.4 -111.5 Bear Lake TFS 42.09 44.71 Tbilisi WES 42.38 -71.32 Weston PFP 42.4 -86.93 Peach Mountain MLH 42.6 -71.48 Millstone Hill DUM 43.12 -70.94 Durham AAA 43.2 76.9 Alma-Ata GTF 43.62 -71.95 Grafton Test Facility CLK 44.7 -75.0 Clarkson University OTT 45.4 -75.5 Ottawa NKK 45.8 62.1 Novokazalinsk STJ 47.59 -52.68 St. Johns NEW 48.26 -117.12 Newport VIC 48.52 -123.42 Victoria KAPU 49.39 -82.32 THM_Kapuskasing GLL 49.6 -97.1 Glenlea CHBG 49.81 -74.42 THM_Chibougamau KGD 49.82 73.08 Karaganda DOU 50.1 4.6 Dourbes PINA 50.16 -96.07 THM_Pinawa KIV 50.72 30.3 Kiev RDL 50.9 -93.5 Red Lake COF 52.0 15.0 Collm SHF 52.16 -106.53 Saskatoon IRT 52.46 104.04 Irkutsk GBAY 53.32 -60.46 THM_Goose Bay NIP 53.5 -103.7 Nipawin PGEO 53.82 -122.83 THM_Prince George ISL 53.88 -94.68 Island Lake TPAS 53.99 -100.94 THM_Flin Flon/The Pas MEA 54.62 -112.33 Meanook KNG 54.7 20.62 Kaliningrad ATHA 54.71 -113.31 THM_Athabasca NVS 55.03 82.9 Novosibirsk ESK 55.32 -3.2 Eskdalemuir MOS 55.48 37.31 Moscow GILL 56.35 -94.66 THM_Gillam TMK 56.47 84.93 Tomsk NAIN 56.5 -61.7 THM_Nain SNKQ 56.54 -79.23 THM_Sanikiluaq FMM 56.73 -111.38 Fort McMurray SVD 56.73 61.07 Sverdlovsk LYN 56.85 -101.07 Lynn Lake SIT 57.05 -135.33 Sitka BKC 57.68 -94.23 Back RBL 58.22 -103.67 Rabbit Lake FCC 58.8 -94.1 Fort Churchill STM 59.5 18.2 Stockholm UPP 59.8 17.6 Uppsala LNN 59.95 30.71 Leningrad FSMI 59.98 -111.84 THM_Fort Smith WFP 60.06 -128.58 Watson Lake MGD 60.12 151.02 Magadan NUR 60.51 24.66 Nurmijarvi WHIT 61.01 -135.22 THM_White Horse EKP 61.1 -94.07 Eskimo Point NAQ 61.1 -45.2 Narssarssuaq AMU 61.24 -149.87 Anchorage POD 61.6 90.0 Podk. Tunguska FSIM 61.76 -121.22 THM_Fort Simpson YAK 62.02 129.72 Yakutsk TLK 62.3 -150.1 Talkeetna FHF 62.32 26.61 Hankasalmi GAKO 62.41 -145.16 THM_HAARP/Gakona YKC 62.4 -114.5 Yellowknife RANK 62.83 -92.11 THM_Rankin Inlet MCGR 62.95 -155.6 THM_Mcgrath IQA 63.8 -68.6 Iqaluit WHF 63.86 -22.02 Stokkseyri EHF 63.86 -19.2 Pykkvibaerehf DWC 64.07 -139.42 Dawson City BLC 64.33 -96.03 Baker Lake ARK 64.6 40.5 Arkhangelsk LYS 64.62 18.77 Lycksele HSF 64.67 -21.03 Husafell EKAT 64.72 -109.33 THM_Lac de Gras/Ekati CMO 64.85 -147.83 College NOW 64.9 -125.5 Norman Wells OUL 65.1 25.85 Oulu COW 65.73 -111.25 Contwoyto Lake IFJ 66.08 -23.13 Isafjordur TJN 66.2 -17.12 Tjornes FYKN 66.56 -145.21 THM_Fort Yukon PEL 66.9 24.08 Pello KIAN 66.97 -160.44 THM_Kiana STF 67.02 -50.72 Sondrestrom SOD 67.37 26.65 ECAT-Sodankyla KIR 67.83 20.42 ECAT-Kiruna MUO 68.02 23.53 Muonio AVI 68.13 -145.57 Arctic Village INUV 68.41 -133.77 THM_Inuvik IVA 68.6 27.48 Ivalo ALT 68.9 22.96 Alta CPS 68.92 -179.48 Cape Schmidt MMK 68.95 33.05 Murmansk KAU 69.02 23.05 Kautokeino KIL 69.05 20.7 Kilpisjarvi CBB 69.2 -105.0 Cambridge Bay GDH 69.24 -53.52 Godhavn NOK 69.4 88.1 Norilsk AMD 69.47 61.42 Amderma TRO 69.66 18.95 ECAT-Tromso KEV 69.76 27.01 Kevo CPY 70.17 -124.72 Cape Parry SOE 70.54 22.22 Soroya BRW 71.3 -156.75 Barrow TIK 71.58 129.0 Tixie Bay SKG 71.9 82.1 Sopoch. Karga SAH 72.0 -125.0 Sachs Harbor DIK 73.54 80.56 Dixon Island RES 74.7 -94.9 Resolute Bay IZV 75.9 82.7 Izvestia KOT 76.0 137.9 Kotelny MBC 76.2 -119.4 Mould Bay HRN 77.0 15.55 Hornsund TFP 76.53 -68.44 Thule THL 77.48 -69.17 Thule/Qaanaaq UDN 77.5 82.3 Uedinenie ESR 78.15 16.03 ECAT-Svalbard VIZ 79.5 78.1 Vize LNC 78.9 12.0 Ny Alesund HIS 80.62 58.05 Heiss Island NOC 81.6 -16.6 Nord ALE 82.5 -62.5 Alert Time to execute getAllGroundStations = 0.109seconds xmlStart/End = 2007-06-19T15:06:28.198Z, 2007-06-20T15:06:28.198Z start/end date = Tue Jun 19 11:06:28 EDT 2007, Wed Jun 20 11:06:28 EDT 2007 Orbit getGraphs results: getGraphs results: result.getStatusCode() = SUCCESS result.getStatusSubCode() = SUCCESS getGraphs status text is empty getGraphs URLs returned: Time to execute getGraphs = 1.049seconds Map getGraphs results: getGraphs results: result.getStatusCode() = SUCCESS result.getStatusSubCode() = SUCCESS getGraphs status text is empty getGraphs URLs returned: Time to execute getGraphs = 0.883seconds Time Series getGraphs results: getGraphs results: result.getStatusCode() = SUCCESS result.getStatusSubCode() = SUCCESS getGraphs status text is empty getGraphs URLs returned: Time to execute getGraphs = 2.498seconds getData results: Data results: result.getStatusCode() = SUCCESS result.getStatusSubCode() = SUCCESS Data status text is empty data.length = 2 Satellite Data: fast Time GSE Local Radial Magnetic Neutral Bow Magneto Dipole Dipole Spacecraft Radial Trc GSE Magnetic Vectors X Y Z Lat Lon Time Length Strength Sheet Shock Pause L Value InvLat Region Region X Y Z 2007-06-19T15:07:00Z 7320.08 -3502.75 -3096.11 -20.88 334.43 10.30 8685.55 11459.25 NA -83324.40 -61708.34 1.41 32.55 D Psphere Low Lat 376.19 816.20 11423.95 2007-06-19T15:09:00Z 7495.65 -3323.90 -2328.66 -15.85 336.09 10.41 8523.84 13021.96 NA -83215.62 -61712.88 1.44 33.58 D Psphere Low Lat -2492.84 1858.45 12645.29 2007-06-19T15:11:00Z 7601.71 -3114.25 -1539.67 -10.62 337.72 10.51 8357.94 14996.06 NA -83170.25 -61802.56 1.50 35.38 D Psphere Low Lat -6012.58 2961.35 13414.96 2007-06-19T15:13:00Z 7633.00 -2873.98 -735.63 -5.15 339.37 10.62 8189.24 17403.18 NA -83192.37 -61946.42 1.61 37.96 D Psphere Low Lat -10186.81 4060.97 13513.25 2007-06-19T15:15:00Z 7584.49 -2603.68 75.99 0.54 341.05 10.74 8019.32 20248.30 NA -83286.04 -62114.21 1.77 41.28 D Psphere N Mid-Lat -14949.73 5060.60 12684.23 moon Time GSE Local Radial Magnetic Neutral Bow Magneto Dipole Dipole Spacecraft Radial Trc GSE Magnetic Vectors X Y Z Lat Lon Time Length Strength Sheet Shock Pause L Value InvLat Region Region X Y Z 2007-06-19T15:21:36Z 211236.63 327715.49 8652.76 1.27 57.20 15.81 389991.32 NA NA 256712.54 314215.35 65.89 82.92 Intpl Med Low Lat NA NA NA 2007-06-19T16:19:12Z 208657.88 329627.01 8362.54 1.23 57.67 15.84 390207.65 NA NA 256076.61 314266.40 67.46 83.01 Intpl Med Low Lat NA NA NA 2007-06-19T17:16:48Z 206065.14 331515.21 8071.63 1.18 58.14 15.88 390423.26 NA NA 255433.15 314313.60 69.13 83.09 Intpl Med Low Lat NA NA NA 2007-06-19T18:14:24Z 203458.61 333379.93 7780.06 1.14 58.60 15.91 390638.09 NA NA 254773.90 314356.93 70.69 83.17 Intpl Med Low Lat NA NA NA 2007-06-19T19:12:00Z 200838.55 335221.19 7487.77 1.10 59.07 15.94 390852.19 NA NA 254102.60 314396.47 71.94 83.23 Intpl Med Low Lat NA NA NA Time to execute getData = 18.001seconds getDataFile results: result.getStatusCode() = SUCCESS result.getStatusSubCode() = SUCCESS getDataFile status text is empty getDataFile URLs returned: Time to execute getDataFiles = 8.69seconds getDataFile results: result.getStatusCode() = SUCCESS result.getStatusSubCode() = SUCCESS getDataFile status text is empty getDataFile URLs returned: Time to execute getDataFiles 2 = 9.94secondsHere is the Java source code for the
The sscWebServicesJaxWs-client.jar must be in your classpath
when compiling and running any application that wishes to use this
method of accessing the SSC web services.
Questions or comments concerning these Web services should be sent to SSC Feedback.