SSC R2.4 Web Services API

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This class represents the remotely callable interface to NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) RESTful Web services.

Author information


B. Harris


Copyright (c) 2013-2021 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

Class description for SpdfRest

Subclasses: SpdfSsc


Properties in SpdfRest

sslVerifyPeer init
userAgent init

Class description for SpdfSsc




Methods inherited from SpdfRest

Routines from

result = SpdfRest::init(endpoint, version, currentVersionUrl [, userAgent=string] [, sslVerifyPeer=int])

Creates an object representing the SPDF Web service.


Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.

result = SpdfRest::getDefaultSslVerifyPeer()

Gets the default value for the IDLnetURL SSL_VERIFY_PEER property based upon the runtime version of IDL.

result = SpdfRest::getEndpoint()

Gets the current endpoint value.

result = SpdfRest::getUserAgent()

Gets the current userAgent value.

result = SpdfSsc::getDefaultDataview()

Gets the current defaultDataview value.

result = SpdfSsc::getVersion()

Gets the version of this class.

result = SpdfSsc::getCurrentVersion()

Gets the most up to date version of this class.

result = SpdfSsc::isUpToDate()

Compares getVersion() and getCurrentVersion() to determine if this class is up to date.


Defines the SpdfRest class.

Routine details

top source SpdfRest::init

result = SpdfRest::init(endpoint, version, currentVersionUrl [, userAgent=string] [, sslVerifyPeer=int])

Creates an object representing the SPDF Web service. If access to the Internet is through an HTTP proxy, the caller should ensure that the HTTP_PROXY environment variable is correctly set before this method is called. The HTTP_PROXY value should be of the form http://username:password@hostname:port/. NOTE: Due to support for the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, this class should not be used in a CGI-like environment where HTTP_PROXY can be set by untrusted entities (see httpoxy vulnerability).

Return value

a reference to a SSC object.


endpoint in type=string

URL of SPDF web service.

version in type=string

class version.

currentVersionUrl in type=string

URL to the file identifying the most up to date version of this class.


userAgent in optional type=string default=SscWs

HTTP user-agent value used in communications with SPDF.

sslVerifyPeer in optional type=int default=1

Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate contains.

top source SpdfRest::cleanup


Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.

top source SpdfRest::getDefaultSslVerifyPeer

result = SpdfRest::getDefaultSslVerifyPeer()

Gets the default value for the IDLnetURL SSL_VERIFY_PEER property based upon the runtime version of IDL.

Return value

0 if runtime version of IDL cannot verify new SSL certificates. Otherwise, 1.

top source SpdfRest::getEndpoint

result = SpdfRest::getEndpoint()

Gets the current endpoint value.

Return value

current endpoint string value.

top source SpdfRest::getUserAgent

result = SpdfRest::getUserAgent()

Gets the current userAgent value.

Return value

current userAgent string value.

top source SpdfSsc::getDefaultDataview

result = SpdfSsc::getDefaultDataview()

Gets the current defaultDataview value.

Return value

current defaultDataview string value.

top source SpdfSsc::getVersion

result = SpdfSsc::getVersion()

Gets the version of this class.

Return value

version of this class.

top source SpdfSsc::getCurrentVersion

result = SpdfSsc::getCurrentVersion()

Gets the most up to date version of this class.

Return value

most up to date version of this class.

top source SpdfSsc::isUpToDate

result = SpdfSsc::isUpToDate()

Compares getVersion() and getCurrentVersion() to determine if this class is up to date.

Return value

true if getVersion() >= getCurrentVersion(). Otherwise false.

top source SpdfRest__define


Defines the SpdfRest class.

File attributes

Modification date: Fri May 13 08:54:13 2022
Lines: 304

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