This class represents the remotely callable interface to NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Satellite Situation Center (SSC). The current implementation only support the "data locations" functionality. Supporting the "text (listing) locations", "conjunctions" and/or "graphs" functionality is a future possibility if there were sufficient interest.
Author information
- Author
B. Harris
- Copyright
Copyright (c) 2013-2017 United States Government as represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved.
Routines from spdfssc__define.pro
result = SpdfSsc::init( [endpoint=string] [, userAgent=string] [, sslVerifyPeer=int])
Creates an object representing SSC.
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
result = SpdfSsc::getDefaultEndpoint()
Gets the default endpoint value.
result = SpdfSsc::getObservatories( [httpErrorReporter=SpdfHttpErrorReporter])
Gets a description of all the observatories that are available.
result = SpdfSsc::getGroundStations( [httpErrorReporter=SpdfHttpErrorReporter])
Gets a description of all the ground stations that are available.
Defines the SpdfSsc class.
Routine details
top source SpdfSsc::init
result = SpdfSsc::init( [endpoint=string] [, userAgent=string] [, sslVerifyPeer=int])
Creates an object representing SSC.
Return value
a reference to a SSC object.
- endpoint in optional type=string default=self->getDefaultEndpoint()
URL of SSC web service .
- userAgent in optional type=string default=SscWs
HTTP user-agent value used in communications with SSC.
- sslVerifyPeer in optional type=int default=1
Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate contains.
top source SpdfSsc::cleanup
Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed.
top source SpdfSsc::getDefaultEndpoint
result = SpdfSsc::getDefaultEndpoint()
Gets the default endpoint value.
Return value
default endpoint string value.
top source SpdfSsc::getObservatories
result = SpdfSsc::getObservatories( [httpErrorReporter=SpdfHttpErrorReporter])
Gets a description of all the observatories that are available.
Return value
array of SpdfObservatoryDescription objects.
- httpErrorReporter in optional type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter
used to report an HTTP error.
top source SpdfSsc::getGroundStations
result = SpdfSsc::getGroundStations( [httpErrorReporter=SpdfHttpErrorReporter])
Gets a description of all the ground stations that are available.
Return value
array of SpdfGroundStation objects.
- httpErrorReporter in optional type=SpdfHttpErrorReporter
used to report an HTTP error.
File attributes
Modification date: | Tue Jan 16 13:12:32 2024 |
Lines: | 398 |
SSC Feedback.