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JSON with the SSC RESTful Web Services


The following contains additional information concerning the use of JSON with the SSC web services.

Target Audience

This document assumes that the reader is familar with the SSC web services and JSON.


The official interface to the SSC web services is defined by this page and this XML schema. This is a well defined interface and every effort is made to maintain backward compatibility in future releases. Client developers who want maximum stability should use XML to interface with the SSC web services. However, JSON is supported as an alternative. Anyone choosing to use JSON should realize that it is less stable and may change in the future. There are also some limitations and peculiarities that a client developer must be aware of. The rest of this document describes these issues and contains some working examples of using JSON with the SSC web services.


There are many detailed formatting issue with a JSON request that a client must follow. The details generally have to do with additional typing information that must be included in the JSON. For example, see the [ "gov.nasa.gsfc.sscweb.schema.DataRequest, ...]" and "java.util.ArrayList" fields in the following JSON fragment:

    "Description": "Complex locator request with nearly all options.",
    "TimeInterval": [
        "Start": [
        "End": [
    "Satellites": [
            "Id": "themisa",
            "ResolutionFactor": 2

The easiest way to determine what a JSON request should be is to POST the equivalent XML request to /echoDataRequest, /echoGraphRequest, or /echoQueryRequest and request JSON for the response. For example, if you create an XML DataRequest in a file named dataRequest.xml. Then do

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/json" \
    --data-ascii @dataRequest.xml \ \
    | python -mjson.tool > dataRequest.json


The following section contains JSON examples of each type of SSC request. They illustrate how to use JSON to interact with the SSC web services.

Location Example

The following illustrates an SSC /locations request. The request entity body is

and the response is

Graph Example

The following illustrates an SSC /graphs request. The request entity body is

and the response is

Conjunction Example

The following illustrates an SSC /conjuctions request. The request entity body is

and the response is


Questions or comments concerning these Web services should be sent to SSC Feedback.

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