Module sscws.sscws
Module for accessing the Satellite Situation Center (SSC) web services
Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
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# You can obtain a copy of the agreement at
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each
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Module for accessing the Satellite Situation Center (SSC) web services
import sys
import os
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from tempfile import mkstemp
import platform
from datetime import timedelta
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError
import time
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Union
import requests
import dateutil.parser
import numpy as np
from sscws import __version__, RETRY_LIMIT, NAMESPACES as NS
from sscws.cdf import Cdf
except ImportError as error:
from sscws.coordinates import CoordinateSystem, CoordinateComponent
from sscws.formatoptions import CdfFormatOptions
from sscws.outputoptions import CoordinateOptions, OutputOptions
from sscws.request import DataRequest, QueryRequest, SatelliteSpecification
from sscws.result import Result
from sscws.timeinterval import TimeInterval
class SscWs:
Class representing the web service interface to NASA's
Satelite Situation Center (SSC) <>.
URL of the SSC web service. If None, the default is
Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server.
HTTP proxy information. For example,<pre>
proxies = {
'http': '',
'https': '',
Proxy information can also be set with environment variables.
For example,<pre>
$ export HTTP_PROXY=""
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""</pre>
Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will
override the default bundle.
Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate.
A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent values.
The logger used by this class has the class' name (SscWs). By default,
it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure
the logger to aid in diagnosing problems.
This class is dependent upon xml.etree.ElementTree module which is
vulnerable to an "exponential entity expansion" and "quadratic blowup
entity expansion" XML attack. However, this class only receives XML
from the (trusted) SSC server so these attacks are not a threat. See
the xml.etree.ElementTree "XML vulnerabilities" documentation for
more details
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(
self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__)
self.retry_after_time = None
self.logger.debug('endpoint = %s', endpoint)
self.logger.debug('ca_certs = %s', ca_certs)
self.logger.debug('disable_ssl_certificate_validation = %s',
if endpoint is None:
self._endpoint = ''
self._endpoint = endpoint
self._user_agent = 'sscws/' + __version__ + ' (' + \
platform.python_implementation() + ' ' \
+ platform.python_version() + '; '+ platform.platform() + ')'
if user_agent is not None:
self._user_agent += ' (' + user_agent + ')'
self._request_headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/xml',
'Accept' : 'application/xml',
'User-Agent' : self._user_agent
self._session = requests.Session()
#self._session.max_redirects = 0
if ca_certs is not None:
self._session.verify = ca_certs
if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is True:
self._session.verify = False
if proxy is not None:
self._proxy = proxy
self._timeout = timeout
self._cache = {
'Observatories': {
'ETag': None,
'Value': None
'GroundStations': {
'Last-Modified': None,
'Value': None
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments
def __str__(self) -> str:
Produces a string representation of this object.
A string representation of this object.
return 'SscWs(endpoint=' + self._endpoint + ', timeout=' + \
str(self._timeout) + ')'
def __del__(self):
Destructor. Closes all network connections.
def close(self) -> None:
Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting
this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary.
def get_observatories(
) -> Dict:
Gets a description of the available SSC observatories.
Dictionary whose structure mirrors ObservatoryResponse from
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
url = self._endpoint + 'observatories'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
headers = None
if self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] is not None:
headers = {
'If-None-Match': self._cache['Observatories']['ETag']
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout,
if response.status_code == 304:
return self._cache['Observatories']['Value']
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
result = {
'Observatory': []
for observatory in observatory_response.findall('ssc:Observatory',
'Id': observatory.find('ssc:Id', namespaces=NS).text,
'Name': observatory.find('ssc:Name', namespaces=NS).text,
'Resolution': int(observatory.find('ssc:Resolution',
'StartTime': dateutil.parser.parse(observatory.find(\
'ssc:StartTime', namespaces=NS).text),
'EndTime': dateutil.parser.parse(observatory.find(\
'ssc:EndTime', namespaces=NS).text),
'ResourceId': observatory.find('ssc:ResourceId',
if 'ETag' in response.headers:
etag = response.headers['ETag']
# workaround old apache bugs that are still causing problems
etag = etag.replace('-gzip', '')
self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] = etag
self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] = result
self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] = None
self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] = None
return result
def get_ground_stations(
) -> Dict:
Gets a description of the available SSC ground stations.
Dictionary whose structure mirrors GroundStationResponse from
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
url = self._endpoint + 'groundStations'
self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url)
headers = None
if self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] is not None:
headers = {
'If-Modified-Since': self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified']
response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout,
if response.status_code == 304:
return self._cache['GroundStations']['Value']
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
ground_station_response = ET.fromstring(response.text)
result = {
'GroundStation': []
for ground_station in ground_station_response.findall(\
'ssc:GroundStation', namespaces=NS):
location = ground_station.find('ssc:Location', namespaces=NS)
latitude = float(location.find('ssc:Latitude', namespaces=NS).text)
longitude = float(location.find('ssc:Longitude',
'Id': ground_station.find('ssc:Id', namespaces=NS).text,
'Name': ground_station.find('ssc:Name', namespaces=NS).text,
'Location': {
'Latitude': latitude,
'Longitude': longitude
if 'Last-Modified' in response.headers:
self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] = response.headers['Last-Modified']
self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] = result
self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] = None
self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] = None
return result
def get_example_time_interval(
observatory: str
) -> TimeInterval:
Gets a small example time interval for the specified observatory.
Specifies the observatory.
A small example time interval for the specified observatory.
for obs in self.get_observatories()['Observatory']:
if obs['Id'] == observatory:
end = obs['EndTime']
return TimeInterval(end - timedelta(hours=2), end)
return None
def get_locations(
param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest],
time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None,
coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified locations. Complex requests (requesting
magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest
parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon,
local_time) require at least the first two paramters.
A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier
(returned by get_observatories).
A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop time of requested data. The
datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values
have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with
a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and
the returned data may not have the expected range.
Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information
is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE.
Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or
time_range does not contain valid values.
if isinstance(param1, DataRequest):
request = param1
request = SscWs.__create_locations_request(param1, time_range,
return self.__get_locations(request)
def get_locations2(
param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest],
time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None,
coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None
) -> Dict:
Gets the specified locations using CDF instead of XML. This
method is faster, supports larger requests, and the server
supports more concurrency with this method than with the
`SscWs.get_locations` method. Complex requests (requesting
magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest
parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon,
local_time) require at least the first two paramters.
A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier
(returned by get_observatories).
A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop time of requested data. The
datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values
have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with
a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and
the returned data may not have the expected range.
Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information
is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE.
Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or
time_range does not contain valid values.
If cdflib is not installed.
This method is experimental and may be eliminated or changed
significantly in future releases. Code expecting a stable API
should use `SscWs.get_locations` instead. The results returned
are compatible with `SscWs.get_locations` except that the numpy
array of datetime.datetime values are returned as a numpy array
of numpy.datetime64 values. This method requires the
cdflib module to be installed.
See Also
SscWs.get_locations : Gets the specified locations.
raise ModuleNotFoundError('cdflib module not installed')
if isinstance(param1, DataRequest):
request = param1
request = SscWs.__create_locations_request(param1, time_range,
if request.format_options is None:
request.format_options = CdfFormatOptions()
request.format_options.cdf = True
result = self.__get_locations(request)
if result['HttpStatus'] == 200:
#print('result = ', result)
result = self.get_locations_from_file(result)
return result
def download(
url: str
) -> str:
Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary
file without reading all of it into memory. This method
utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection
to the SscWs server.
URL of file to download.
name of tempory file or None if there was an error.
suffix = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1]
file_descriptor, tmp_filename = mkstemp(suffix=suffix)
with self._session.get(url, stream=True,
timeout=self._timeout) as response:
with open(tmp_filename, 'wb') as file:
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
return tmp_filename
def get_locations_from_file(
results: Result
) -> Dict:
Gets the given file(s) from the server and returns the contents
in a dictionary.
results to get locations from.
Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
locations_result = {}
locations_result['HttpStatus'] = results['HttpStatus']
locations_result['StatusCode'] = results['StatusCode']
locations_result['StatusSubCode'] = results['StatusSubCode']
locations_result['Data'] = np.empty(len(results['Files']), dtype=object)
#print('results = ', results)
for index in range(len(results['Files'])):
tmp_cdf_file = 'unset'
result_url = results['Files'][index]['Name']
tmp_cdf_file =
#print('tmp_cdf_file', tmp_cdf_file)
cdf = Cdf()
locations_result['Data'][index] = cdf.get_satellite_data()
#cdf.close() ???
#print('tmp_cdf_file', tmp_cdf_file, 'retained')
self.logger.error('Exception from read_data(%s): %s',
tmp_cdf_file, sys.exc_info()[0])
self.logger.error('CDF file has been retained.')
return locations_result
def __create_locations_request(
obs_ids: List[str],
time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None,
coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None
) -> DataRequest:
Creates a "simple" (only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time in GSE)
locations DataRequest for the given values.
More complicated requests should be made with DataRequest
A list of observatory identifier (returned by
A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string
values of the start and stop time of requested data.
Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information
is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE.
A simple locations DataRequest based upon the given values.
If time_range is missing or time_range does not contain
valid values.
sats = []
for sat in obs_ids:
sats.append(SatelliteSpecification(sat, 1))
if time_range is None:
raise ValueError('time_range value is required when ' +
'1st is not a DataRequest')
if isinstance(time_range, list):
time_interval = TimeInterval(time_range[0], time_range[1])
time_interval = time_range
if coords is None:
coords = [CoordinateSystem.GSE]
coord_options = []
for coord in coords:
CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.X))
CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.Y))
CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.Z))
CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.LAT))
CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.LON))
CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.LOCAL_TIME))
return DataRequest(None, time_interval, sats, None,
OutputOptions(coord_options), None, None)
def __get_locations(
request: DataRequest
) -> Dict:
Gets the given locations DataRequest.
A locations DataRequest.
Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
url = self._endpoint + 'locations'
self.logger.debug('__get_locations: POST request url = %s', url)
xml_data_request = request.xml_element()
#self.logger.debug('request XML = %s',
# ET.tostring(xml_data_request))
for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT): # pylint: disable=unused-variable
response =,
if response.status_code == 429 or \
response.status_code == 503 and \
'Retry-After' in response.headers:
retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After']
self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s',
retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before retrying request',
return self.__get_result(response)
def __get_status(
response: requests.Response
) -> Dict:
Gets status information from the given response. In particular,
when status_code != 200, an attempt is made to extract the SSC WS
ErrorMessage and ErrorDescription from the response.
requests Response object.
Dict containing the following:<br>
- HttpStatus: the HTTP status code<br>
additionally, when HttpStatus != 200<br>
- ErrorText: a string representation of the entire entity
- ErrorMessage: SSC WS ErrorMessage (when available)<br>
- ErrorDescription: SSC WS ErrorDescription (when available)
http_result = {
'HttpStatus': response.status_code
if response.status_code != 200:
http_result['ErrorText'] = response.text
error_element = ET.fromstring(response.text)
http_result['ErrorMessage'] = error_element.findall(\
http_result['ErrorDescription'] = error_element.findall(\
'.//xhtml:p[@class="ErrorDescription"]/' +
'xhtml:b', namespaces=NS)[0].tail
except ParseError:
pass # ErrorText is the best we can do
return http_result
def __get_result(
response: requests.Response
) -> Dict:
Creates a dict representation of a Result from the given response.
A response from a web service request.
Dict representation of a Result as described in
with the addition of an HttpStatus key with the value of the
HTTP status code. When HttpStatus != 200, a key named
HttpText will contain a string representation of the entity
body. And if the HttpText is a standard SSC WS error
entity body, then keys named ErrorMessage and ErrorDescription
will contain the values from the SSC WS error entity body
(saving the caller the trouble of parsing HttpText).
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
element = ET.fromstring(response.text)
result_element = element.find('ssc:Result', namespaces=NS)
if result_element is None:
result_element = element.find('ssc:QueryResult', namespaces=NS)
result = Result.get_result(result_element)
return result
def get_conjunctions(
query: QueryRequest
) -> Dict:
Gets the conjunctions specified by query.
Conjunction query request.
Dictionary whose structure mirrors QueryResult from
with the addition of the following key/values:<br>
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code.
Successful == 200.<br>
When HttpStatus != 200:<br>
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP
entity body.<br>
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the
following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br>
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br>
If query is invalid.
url = self._endpoint + 'conjunctions'
self.logger.debug('POST request url = %s', url)
xml_query_request = query.xml_element()
self.logger.debug('request XML = %s',
for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT): # pylint: disable=unused-variable
response =,
if response.status_code == 429 or \
response.status_code == 503 and \
'Retry-After' in response.headers:
retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After']
self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s',
retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before retrying request',
status = self.__get_status(response)
if response.status_code != 200:
return status
#self.logger.debug('response XML = %s', response.text)
result = self.__get_result(response)
return result
def print_files_result(
result: Dict):
Prints a Result containing files names document.
Dict representation of Result as described
for file in result['Files']:
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def print_locations_result(
result: Dict
) -> None:
Prints a Dict representation of a Result.
Dict representation of a Result as described
#print('StatusCode:', result['StatusCode'],
# 'StatusSubCode:', result['StatusSubCode'])
if 'Files' in result:
for data in result['Data']:
if 'Coordinates' not in data:
for coords in data['Coordinates']:
print(data['Id'], coords['CoordinateSystem'].value)
print('Time ', 'X ',
'Y ', 'Z ')
for index in range(min(len(data['Time']), len(coords['X']))):
print(data['Time'][index], coords['X'][index],
coords['Y'][index], coords['Z'][index])
if 'BTraceData' in data:
for b_trace in data['BTraceData']:
'Magnetic Field-Line Trace Footpoints')
print('Time ', 'Latitude ',
'Longitude ', 'Arc Length')
for index in range(min(len(data['Time']),
(f"{b_trace['Latitude'][index]:15.5f} "
f"{b_trace['Longitude'][index]:15.5f} "
quantities = ['RadialLength', 'MagneticStrength',
'NeutralSheetDistance', 'BowShockDistance',
'MagnetoPauseDistance', 'DipoleLValue',
'DipoleInvariantLatitude', 'SpacecraftRegion',
for quantity in quantities:
SscWs.print_time_series(quantity, data)
if 'BGseX' in data and data['BGseX'] is not None:
min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data['BGseX']))
if min_len > 0:
print(f"{'Time':25s} {'B Strength GSE':^30s}")
print(f"{'':25s} {'X':^9s} {'Y':^9s} {'Z':^9s}")
for index in range(min_len):
bgse_time = data['Time'][index]
iso_time = bgse_time.isoformat()
except AttributeError:
iso_time = str(bgse_time)
print((f"{iso_time:25s} "
f"{data['BGseX'][index]:9.6f} "
f"{data['BGseY'][index]:9.6f} "
if 'NorthBTracedFootpointRegion' in data and \
'SouthBTracedFootpointRegion' in data:
min_len = min(len(data['Time']),
if min_len > 0:
print(' B-Traced Footpoint Region')
print('Time ', 'North ',
'South ')
for index in range(min_len):
# pylint: enable=too-many-branches
def print_time_series(
name: str,
data: Dict
) -> None:
Prints the given time-series data.
Name (key) of data to print.
Dict containing the values to print.
if name in data and data[name] is not None:
min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data[name]))
if min_len > 0:
print('Time ', name)
for index in range(min_len):
print(data['Time'][index], data[name][index])
def print_conjunction_result(
result: Dict
) -> None:
Prints the given Dict representation of a QueryResult.
Dict representation of QueryResult as described
print('StatusCode:', result['StatusCode'],
'StatusSubCode:', result['StatusSubCode'])
for conjunction in result['Conjunction']:
print(conjunction['TimeInterval']['Start'].isoformat(), 'to',
print((f" {'Satellite':10s} {'Lat':>7s} {'Lon':>7s} "
f"{'Radius':>9s} {'Ground Stations':20s} {'Lat':>7s} "
f"{'Lon':>7s} {'ArcLen':>9s}"))
for sat in conjunction['SatelliteDescription']:
for description in sat['Description']:
trace = description['TraceDescription']
print((f" {sat['Satellite']:10s} "
f"{description['Location']['Latitude']:7.2f} "
f"{description['Location']['Longitude']:7.2f} "
f"{description['Location']['Radius']:9.2f} "
f"{trace['Target']['GroundStation']:20s} "
f"{trace['Location']['Latitude']:7.2f} "
f"{trace['Location']['Longitude']:7.2f} "
class SscWs (endpoint=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, user_agent=None)
Class representing the web service interface to NASA's Satelite Situation Center (SSC)
- URL of the SSC web service. If None, the default is ''.
- Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server.
- HTTP proxy information.
For example,
proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', }
Proxy information can also be set with environment variables. For example,$ export HTTP_PROXY="" $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
- Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will override the default bundle.
- Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate.
- A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent values.
The logger used by this class has the class' name (SscWs). By default, it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure the logger to aid in diagnosing problems.
This class is dependent upon xml.etree.ElementTree module which is vulnerable to an "exponential entity expansion" and "quadratic blowup entity expansion" XML attack. However, this class only receives XML from the (trusted) SSC server so these attacks are not a threat. See the xml.etree.ElementTree "XML vulnerabilities" documentation for more details
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class SscWs: """ Class representing the web service interface to NASA's Satelite Situation Center (SSC) <>. Parameters ---------- endpoint URL of the SSC web service. If None, the default is ''. timeout Number of seconds to wait for a response from the server. proxy HTTP proxy information. For example,<pre> proxies = { 'http': '', 'https': '', }</pre> Proxy information can also be set with environment variables. For example,<pre> $ export HTTP_PROXY="" $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""</pre> ca_certs Path to certificate authority (CA) certificates that will override the default bundle. disable_ssl_certificate_validation Flag indicating whether to validate the SSL certificate. user_agent A value that is appended to the HTTP User-Agent values. Notes ----- The logger used by this class has the class' name (SscWs). By default, it is configured with a NullHandler. Users of this class may configure the logger to aid in diagnosing problems. This class is dependent upon xml.etree.ElementTree module which is vulnerable to an "exponential entity expansion" and "quadratic blowup entity expansion" XML attack. However, this class only receives XML from the (trusted) SSC server so these attacks are not a threat. See the xml.etree.ElementTree "XML vulnerabilities" documentation for more details <>. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, endpoint=None, timeout=None, proxy=None, ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, user_agent=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(type(self).__name__) self.logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) self.retry_after_time = None self.logger.debug('endpoint = %s', endpoint) self.logger.debug('ca_certs = %s', ca_certs) self.logger.debug('disable_ssl_certificate_validation = %s', disable_ssl_certificate_validation) if endpoint is None: self._endpoint = '' else: self._endpoint = endpoint self._user_agent = 'sscws/' + __version__ + ' (' + \ platform.python_implementation() + ' ' \ + platform.python_version() + '; '+ platform.platform() + ')' if user_agent is not None: self._user_agent += ' (' + user_agent + ')' self._request_headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/xml', 'Accept' : 'application/xml', 'User-Agent' : self._user_agent } self._session = requests.Session() #self._session.max_redirects = 0 self._session.headers.update(self._request_headers) if ca_certs is not None: self._session.verify = ca_certs if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is True: self._session.verify = False if proxy is not None: self._proxy = proxy self._timeout = timeout self._cache = { 'Observatories': { 'ETag': None, 'Value': None }, 'GroundStations': { 'Last-Modified': None, 'Value': None } } # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments def __str__(self) -> str: """ Produces a string representation of this object. Returns ------- str A string representation of this object. """ return 'SscWs(endpoint=' + self._endpoint + ', timeout=' + \ str(self._timeout) + ')' def __del__(self): """ Destructor. Closes all network connections. """ self.close() def close(self) -> None: """ Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary. """ self._session.close() def get_observatories( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets a description of the available SSC observatories. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors ObservatoryResponse from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + 'observatories' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) headers = None if self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] is not None: headers = { 'If-None-Match': self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] } response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 304: return self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) result = { 'Observatory': [] } for observatory in observatory_response.findall('ssc:Observatory', namespaces=NS): result['Observatory'].append({ 'Id': observatory.find('ssc:Id', namespaces=NS).text, 'Name': observatory.find('ssc:Name', namespaces=NS).text, 'Resolution': int(observatory.find('ssc:Resolution', namespaces=NS).text), 'StartTime': dateutil.parser.parse(observatory.find(\ 'ssc:StartTime', namespaces=NS).text), 'EndTime': dateutil.parser.parse(observatory.find(\ 'ssc:EndTime', namespaces=NS).text), 'ResourceId': observatory.find('ssc:ResourceId', namespaces=NS).text }) result.update(status) if 'ETag' in response.headers: etag = response.headers['ETag'] # workaround old apache bugs that are still causing problems etag = etag.replace('-gzip', '') self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] = etag self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] = result else: self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] = None self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] = None return result def get_ground_stations( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets a description of the available SSC ground stations. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors GroundStationResponse from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + 'groundStations' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) headers = None if self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] is not None: headers = { 'If-Modified-Since': self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] } response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 304: return self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status ground_station_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) result = { 'GroundStation': [] } for ground_station in ground_station_response.findall(\ 'ssc:GroundStation', namespaces=NS): location = ground_station.find('ssc:Location', namespaces=NS) latitude = float(location.find('ssc:Latitude', namespaces=NS).text) longitude = float(location.find('ssc:Longitude', namespaces=NS).text) result['GroundStation'].append({ 'Id': ground_station.find('ssc:Id', namespaces=NS).text, 'Name': ground_station.find('ssc:Name', namespaces=NS).text, 'Location': { 'Latitude': latitude, 'Longitude': longitude } }) result.update(status) if 'Last-Modified' in response.headers: self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] = response.headers['Last-Modified'] self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] = result else: self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] = None self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] = None return result def get_example_time_interval( self, observatory: str ) -> TimeInterval: """ Gets a small example time interval for the specified observatory. Parameters: ----------- observatory Specifies the observatory. Returns ------- TimeInterval A small example time interval for the specified observatory. """ for obs in self.get_observatories()['Observatory']: if obs['Id'] == observatory: end = obs['EndTime'] return TimeInterval(end - timedelta(hours=2), end) return None def get_locations( self, param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest], time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None, coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified locations. Complex requests (requesting magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time) require at least the first two paramters. Parameters ---------- param1 A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier (returned by get_observatories). time_range A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop time of requested data. The datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and the returned data may not have the expected range. coords Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or time_range does not contain valid values. """ if isinstance(param1, DataRequest): request = param1 else: request = SscWs.__create_locations_request(param1, time_range, coords) return self.__get_locations(request) def get_locations2( self, param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest], time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None, coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified locations using CDF instead of XML. This method is faster, supports larger requests, and the server supports more concurrency with this method than with the `SscWs.get_locations` method. Complex requests (requesting magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time) require at least the first two paramters. Parameters ---------- param1 A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier (returned by get_observatories). time_range A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop time of requested data. The datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and the returned data may not have the expected range. coords Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or time_range does not contain valid values. ModuleNotFoundExcepttion If cdflib is not installed. Warnings -------- This method is experimental and may be eliminated or changed significantly in future releases. Code expecting a stable API should use `SscWs.get_locations` instead. The results returned are compatible with `SscWs.get_locations` except that the numpy array of datetime.datetime values are returned as a numpy array of numpy.datetime64 values. This method requires the cdflib module to be installed. See Also -------- SscWs.get_locations : Gets the specified locations. """ if not CDF_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError('cdflib module not installed') if isinstance(param1, DataRequest): request = param1 else: request = SscWs.__create_locations_request(param1, time_range, coords) if request.format_options is None: request.format_options = CdfFormatOptions() request.format_options.cdf = True result = self.__get_locations(request) if result['HttpStatus'] == 200: #print('result = ', result) result = self.get_locations_from_file(result) return result def download( self, url: str ) -> str: """ Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary file without reading all of it into memory. This method utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection to the SscWs server. Parameters ---------- url URL of file to download. Returns ------- str name of tempory file or None if there was an error. """ suffix = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1] file_descriptor, tmp_filename = mkstemp(suffix=suffix) with self._session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=self._timeout) as response: with open(tmp_filename, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks file.write(chunk) os.close(file_descriptor) return tmp_filename def get_locations_from_file( self, results: Result ) -> Dict: """ Gets the given file(s) from the server and returns the contents in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- results results to get locations from. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ locations_result = {} locations_result['HttpStatus'] = results['HttpStatus'] locations_result['StatusCode'] = results['StatusCode'] locations_result['StatusSubCode'] = results['StatusSubCode'] locations_result['Data'] = np.empty(len(results['Files']), dtype=object) #print('results = ', results) for index in range(len(results['Files'])): tmp_cdf_file = 'unset' try: result_url = results['Files'][index]['Name'] tmp_cdf_file = #print('tmp_cdf_file', tmp_cdf_file) cdf = Cdf() locations_result['Data'][index] = cdf.get_satellite_data() #cdf.close() ??? os.remove(tmp_cdf_file) #print('tmp_cdf_file', tmp_cdf_file, 'retained') except: self.logger.error('Exception from read_data(%s): %s', tmp_cdf_file, sys.exc_info()[0]) self.logger.error('CDF file has been retained.') raise return locations_result @staticmethod def __create_locations_request( obs_ids: List[str], time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None, coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None ) -> DataRequest: """ Creates a "simple" (only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time in GSE) locations DataRequest for the given values. More complicated requests should be made with DataRequest directly. Parameters ---------- obs_ids A list of observatory identifier (returned by get_observatories). time_range A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop time of requested data. coords Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE. Returns ------- DataRequest A simple locations DataRequest based upon the given values. Raises ------ ValueError If time_range is missing or time_range does not contain valid values. """ sats = [] for sat in obs_ids: sats.append(SatelliteSpecification(sat, 1)) if time_range is None: raise ValueError('time_range value is required when ' + '1st is not a DataRequest') if isinstance(time_range, list): time_interval = TimeInterval(time_range[0], time_range[1]) else: time_interval = time_range if coords is None: coords = [CoordinateSystem.GSE] coord_options = [] for coord in coords: coord_options.append( CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.X)) coord_options.append( CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.Y)) coord_options.append( CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.Z)) coord_options.append( CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.LAT)) coord_options.append( CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.LON)) coord_options.append( CoordinateOptions(coord, CoordinateComponent.LOCAL_TIME)) return DataRequest(None, time_interval, sats, None, OutputOptions(coord_options), None, None) def __get_locations( self, request: DataRequest ) -> Dict: """ Gets the given locations DataRequest. Parameters ---------- request A locations DataRequest. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + 'locations' self.logger.debug('__get_locations: POST request url = %s', url) xml_data_request = request.xml_element() #self.logger.debug('request XML = %s', # ET.tostring(xml_data_request)) for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT): # pylint: disable=unused-variable response =, data=ET.tostring(xml_data_request), timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code == 429 or \ response.status_code == 503 and \ 'Retry-After' in response.headers: retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After'] self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s', retry_after) retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before retrying request', retry_after) time.sleep(retry_after) else: break return self.__get_result(response) @staticmethod def __get_status( response: requests.Response ) -> Dict: """ Gets status information from the given response. In particular, when status_code != 200, an attempt is made to extract the SSC WS ErrorMessage and ErrorDescription from the response. Parameters ---------- response requests Response object. Returns ------- Dict Dict containing the following:<br> - HttpStatus: the HTTP status code<br> additionally, when HttpStatus != 200<br> - ErrorText: a string representation of the entire entity body<br> - ErrorMessage: SSC WS ErrorMessage (when available)<br> - ErrorDescription: SSC WS ErrorDescription (when available) """ http_result = { 'HttpStatus': response.status_code } if response.status_code != 200: http_result['ErrorText'] = response.text try: error_element = ET.fromstring(response.text) http_result['ErrorMessage'] = error_element.findall(\ './/xhtml:p[@class="ErrorMessage"]/xhtml:b', namespaces=NS)[0].tail http_result['ErrorDescription'] = error_element.findall(\ './/xhtml:p[@class="ErrorDescription"]/' + 'xhtml:b', namespaces=NS)[0].tail except ParseError: pass # ErrorText is the best we can do return http_result def __get_result( self, response: requests.Response ) -> Dict: """ Creates a dict representation of a Result from the given response. Parameters ---------- response A response from a web service request. Returns ------- Dict Dict representation of a Result as described in <> with the addition of an HttpStatus key with the value of the HTTP status code. When HttpStatus != 200, a key named HttpText will contain a string representation of the entity body. And if the HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body, then keys named ErrorMessage and ErrorDescription will contain the values from the SSC WS error entity body (saving the caller the trouble of parsing HttpText). """ status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status element = ET.fromstring(response.text) result_element = element.find('ssc:Result', namespaces=NS) if result_element is None: result_element = element.find('ssc:QueryResult', namespaces=NS) result = Result.get_result(result_element) result.update(status) return result def get_conjunctions( self, query: QueryRequest ) -> Dict: """ Gets the conjunctions specified by query. Parameters ---------- query Conjunction query request. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors QueryResult from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If query is invalid. """ url = self._endpoint + 'conjunctions' self.logger.debug('POST request url = %s', url) xml_query_request = query.xml_element() self.logger.debug('request XML = %s', ET.tostring(xml_query_request)) for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT): # pylint: disable=unused-variable response =, data=ET.tostring(xml_query_request), timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code == 429 or \ response.status_code == 503 and \ 'Retry-After' in response.headers: retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After'] self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s', retry_after) retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before retrying request', retry_after) time.sleep(retry_after) else: break status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status #self.logger.debug('response XML = %s', response.text) result = self.__get_result(response) result.update(status) return result @staticmethod def print_files_result( result: Dict): """ Prints a Result containing files names document. Parameters ---------- result Dict representation of Result as described <>. """ for file in result['Files']: print(file['Name']) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches @staticmethod def print_locations_result( result: Dict ) -> None: """ Prints a Dict representation of a Result. Parameters ---------- result Dict representation of a Result as described <>. """ #print('StatusCode:', result['StatusCode'], # 'StatusSubCode:', result['StatusSubCode']) #print(result) if 'Files' in result: SscWs.print_files_result(result) return for data in result['Data']: if 'Coordinates' not in data: continue for coords in data['Coordinates']: print(data['Id'], coords['CoordinateSystem'].value) print('Time ', 'X ', 'Y ', 'Z ') for index in range(min(len(data['Time']), len(coords['X']))): print(data['Time'][index], coords['X'][index], coords['Y'][index], coords['Z'][index]) if 'BTraceData' in data: for b_trace in data['BTraceData']: print(b_trace['CoordinateSystem'].value, b_trace['Hemisphere'].value, 'Magnetic Field-Line Trace Footpoints') print('Time ', 'Latitude ', 'Longitude ', 'Arc Length') for index in range(min(len(data['Time']), len(b_trace['Latitude']))): print(data['Time'][index], (f"{b_trace['Latitude'][index]:15.5f} " f"{b_trace['Longitude'][index]:15.5f} " f"{b_trace['ArcLength'][index]:15.5f}")) quantities = ['RadialLength', 'MagneticStrength', 'NeutralSheetDistance', 'BowShockDistance', 'MagnetoPauseDistance', 'DipoleLValue', 'DipoleInvariantLatitude', 'SpacecraftRegion', 'RadialTracedFootpointRegions', 'NorthBTracedFootpointRegions', 'SouthBTracedFootpointRegions'] for quantity in quantities: SscWs.print_time_series(quantity, data) if 'BGseX' in data and data['BGseX'] is not None: min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data['BGseX'])) if min_len > 0: print(f"{'Time':25s} {'B Strength GSE':^30s}") print(f"{'':25s} {'X':^9s} {'Y':^9s} {'Z':^9s}") for index in range(min_len): bgse_time = data['Time'][index] try: iso_time = bgse_time.isoformat() except AttributeError: iso_time = str(bgse_time) print((f"{iso_time:25s} " f"{data['BGseX'][index]:9.6f} " f"{data['BGseY'][index]:9.6f} " f"{data['BGseZ'][index]:9.6f}")) if 'NorthBTracedFootpointRegion' in data and \ 'SouthBTracedFootpointRegion' in data: min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data['NorthBTracedFootpointRegion'])) if min_len > 0: print(' B-Traced Footpoint Region') print('Time ', 'North ', 'South ') for index in range(min_len): print(data['Time'][index], data['NorthBTracedFootpointRegion'][index].value, data['SouthBTracedFootpointRegion'][index].value) # pylint: enable=too-many-branches @staticmethod def print_time_series( name: str, data: Dict ) -> None: """ Prints the given time-series data. Parameters ---------- name Name (key) of data to print. data Dict containing the values to print. """ if name in data and data[name] is not None: min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data[name])) if min_len > 0: print('Time ', name) for index in range(min_len): print(data['Time'][index], data[name][index]) @staticmethod def print_conjunction_result( result: Dict ) -> None: """ Prints the given Dict representation of a QueryResult. Parameters ---------- result Dict representation of QueryResult as described <>. """ print('StatusCode:', result['StatusCode'], 'StatusSubCode:', result['StatusSubCode']) #print(result) for conjunction in result['Conjunction']: print(conjunction['TimeInterval']['Start'].isoformat(), 'to', conjunction['TimeInterval']['End'].isoformat()) print((f" {'Satellite':10s} {'Lat':>7s} {'Lon':>7s} " f"{'Radius':>9s} {'Ground Stations':20s} {'Lat':>7s} " f"{'Lon':>7s} {'ArcLen':>9s}")) for sat in conjunction['SatelliteDescription']: for description in sat['Description']: trace = description['TraceDescription'] print((f" {sat['Satellite']:10s} " f"{description['Location']['Latitude']:7.2f} " f"{description['Location']['Longitude']:7.2f} " f"{description['Location']['Radius']:9.2f} " f"{trace['Target']['GroundStation']:20s} " f"{trace['Location']['Latitude']:7.2f} " f"{trace['Location']['Longitude']:7.2f} " f"{trace['ArcLength']:9.2f}"))
Static methods
def print_conjunction_result(result: Dict) ‑> NoneType
Prints the given Dict representation of a QueryResult.
- Dict representation of QueryResult as described
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@staticmethod def print_conjunction_result( result: Dict ) -> None: """ Prints the given Dict representation of a QueryResult. Parameters ---------- result Dict representation of QueryResult as described <>. """ print('StatusCode:', result['StatusCode'], 'StatusSubCode:', result['StatusSubCode']) #print(result) for conjunction in result['Conjunction']: print(conjunction['TimeInterval']['Start'].isoformat(), 'to', conjunction['TimeInterval']['End'].isoformat()) print((f" {'Satellite':10s} {'Lat':>7s} {'Lon':>7s} " f"{'Radius':>9s} {'Ground Stations':20s} {'Lat':>7s} " f"{'Lon':>7s} {'ArcLen':>9s}")) for sat in conjunction['SatelliteDescription']: for description in sat['Description']: trace = description['TraceDescription'] print((f" {sat['Satellite']:10s} " f"{description['Location']['Latitude']:7.2f} " f"{description['Location']['Longitude']:7.2f} " f"{description['Location']['Radius']:9.2f} " f"{trace['Target']['GroundStation']:20s} " f"{trace['Location']['Latitude']:7.2f} " f"{trace['Location']['Longitude']:7.2f} " f"{trace['ArcLength']:9.2f}"))
def print_files_result(result: Dict)
Prints a Result containing files names document.
- Dict representation of Result as described
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@staticmethod def print_files_result( result: Dict): """ Prints a Result containing files names document. Parameters ---------- result Dict representation of Result as described <>. """ for file in result['Files']: print(file['Name'])
def print_locations_result(result: Dict) ‑> NoneType
Prints a Dict representation of a Result.
- Dict representation of a Result as described
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@staticmethod def print_locations_result( result: Dict ) -> None: """ Prints a Dict representation of a Result. Parameters ---------- result Dict representation of a Result as described <>. """ #print('StatusCode:', result['StatusCode'], # 'StatusSubCode:', result['StatusSubCode']) #print(result) if 'Files' in result: SscWs.print_files_result(result) return for data in result['Data']: if 'Coordinates' not in data: continue for coords in data['Coordinates']: print(data['Id'], coords['CoordinateSystem'].value) print('Time ', 'X ', 'Y ', 'Z ') for index in range(min(len(data['Time']), len(coords['X']))): print(data['Time'][index], coords['X'][index], coords['Y'][index], coords['Z'][index]) if 'BTraceData' in data: for b_trace in data['BTraceData']: print(b_trace['CoordinateSystem'].value, b_trace['Hemisphere'].value, 'Magnetic Field-Line Trace Footpoints') print('Time ', 'Latitude ', 'Longitude ', 'Arc Length') for index in range(min(len(data['Time']), len(b_trace['Latitude']))): print(data['Time'][index], (f"{b_trace['Latitude'][index]:15.5f} " f"{b_trace['Longitude'][index]:15.5f} " f"{b_trace['ArcLength'][index]:15.5f}")) quantities = ['RadialLength', 'MagneticStrength', 'NeutralSheetDistance', 'BowShockDistance', 'MagnetoPauseDistance', 'DipoleLValue', 'DipoleInvariantLatitude', 'SpacecraftRegion', 'RadialTracedFootpointRegions', 'NorthBTracedFootpointRegions', 'SouthBTracedFootpointRegions'] for quantity in quantities: SscWs.print_time_series(quantity, data) if 'BGseX' in data and data['BGseX'] is not None: min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data['BGseX'])) if min_len > 0: print(f"{'Time':25s} {'B Strength GSE':^30s}") print(f"{'':25s} {'X':^9s} {'Y':^9s} {'Z':^9s}") for index in range(min_len): bgse_time = data['Time'][index] try: iso_time = bgse_time.isoformat() except AttributeError: iso_time = str(bgse_time) print((f"{iso_time:25s} " f"{data['BGseX'][index]:9.6f} " f"{data['BGseY'][index]:9.6f} " f"{data['BGseZ'][index]:9.6f}")) if 'NorthBTracedFootpointRegion' in data and \ 'SouthBTracedFootpointRegion' in data: min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data['NorthBTracedFootpointRegion'])) if min_len > 0: print(' B-Traced Footpoint Region') print('Time ', 'North ', 'South ') for index in range(min_len): print(data['Time'][index], data['NorthBTracedFootpointRegion'][index].value, data['SouthBTracedFootpointRegion'][index].value)
def print_time_series(name: str, data: Dict) ‑> NoneType
Prints the given time-series data.
- Name (key) of data to print.
- Dict containing the values to print.
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@staticmethod def print_time_series( name: str, data: Dict ) -> None: """ Prints the given time-series data. Parameters ---------- name Name (key) of data to print. data Dict containing the values to print. """ if name in data and data[name] is not None: min_len = min(len(data['Time']), len(data[name])) if min_len > 0: print('Time ', name) for index in range(min_len): print(data['Time'][index], data[name][index])
def close(self) ‑> NoneType
Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary.
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def close(self) -> None: """ Closes any persistent network connections. Generally, deleting this object is sufficient and calling this method is unnecessary. """ self._session.close()
def download(self, url: str) ‑> str
Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary file without reading all of it into memory. This method utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection to the SscWs server.
- URL of file to download.
- name of tempory file or None if there was an error.
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def download( self, url: str ) -> str: """ Downloads the file specified by the given URL to a temporary file without reading all of it into memory. This method utilizes the connection pool and persistent HTTP connection to the SscWs server. Parameters ---------- url URL of file to download. Returns ------- str name of tempory file or None if there was an error. """ suffix = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path)[1] file_descriptor, tmp_filename = mkstemp(suffix=suffix) with self._session.get(url, stream=True, timeout=self._timeout) as response: with open(tmp_filename, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks file.write(chunk) os.close(file_descriptor) return tmp_filename
def get_conjunctions(self, query: QueryRequest) ‑> Dict
Gets the conjunctions specified by query.
- Conjunction query request.
- Dictionary whose structure mirrors QueryResult from
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
- If query is invalid.
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def get_conjunctions( self, query: QueryRequest ) -> Dict: """ Gets the conjunctions specified by query. Parameters ---------- query Conjunction query request. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors QueryResult from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If query is invalid. """ url = self._endpoint + 'conjunctions' self.logger.debug('POST request url = %s', url) xml_query_request = query.xml_element() self.logger.debug('request XML = %s', ET.tostring(xml_query_request)) for retries in range(RETRY_LIMIT): # pylint: disable=unused-variable response =, data=ET.tostring(xml_query_request), timeout=self._timeout) if response.status_code == 429 or \ response.status_code == 503 and \ 'Retry-After' in response.headers: retry_after = response.headers['Retry-After'] self.logger.debug('429/503 status with Retry-After header: %s', retry_after) retry_after = int(retry_after)'Sleeping %d seconds before retrying request', retry_after) time.sleep(retry_after) else: break status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status #self.logger.debug('response XML = %s', response.text) result = self.__get_result(response) result.update(status) return result
def get_example_time_interval(self, observatory: str) ‑> TimeInterval
Gets a small example time interval for the specified observatory.
observatory Specifies the observatory.
- A small example time interval for the specified observatory.
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def get_example_time_interval( self, observatory: str ) -> TimeInterval: """ Gets a small example time interval for the specified observatory. Parameters: ----------- observatory Specifies the observatory. Returns ------- TimeInterval A small example time interval for the specified observatory. """ for obs in self.get_observatories()['Observatory']: if obs['Id'] == observatory: end = obs['EndTime'] return TimeInterval(end - timedelta(hours=2), end) return None
def get_ground_stations(self) ‑> Dict
Gets a description of the available SSC ground stations.
- Dictionary whose structure mirrors GroundStationResponse from
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
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def get_ground_stations( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets a description of the available SSC ground stations. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors GroundStationResponse from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + 'groundStations' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) headers = None if self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] is not None: headers = { 'If-Modified-Since': self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] } response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 304: return self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status ground_station_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) result = { 'GroundStation': [] } for ground_station in ground_station_response.findall(\ 'ssc:GroundStation', namespaces=NS): location = ground_station.find('ssc:Location', namespaces=NS) latitude = float(location.find('ssc:Latitude', namespaces=NS).text) longitude = float(location.find('ssc:Longitude', namespaces=NS).text) result['GroundStation'].append({ 'Id': ground_station.find('ssc:Id', namespaces=NS).text, 'Name': ground_station.find('ssc:Name', namespaces=NS).text, 'Location': { 'Latitude': latitude, 'Longitude': longitude } }) result.update(status) if 'Last-Modified' in response.headers: self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] = response.headers['Last-Modified'] self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] = result else: self._cache['GroundStations']['Last-Modified'] = None self._cache['GroundStations']['Value'] = None return result
def get_locations(self, param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest], time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None, coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified locations. Complex requests (requesting magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time) require at least the first two paramters.
- A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier (returned by get_observatories).
- A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop time of requested data. The datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and the returned data may not have the expected range.
- Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE.
- Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
- If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or time_range does not contain valid values.
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def get_locations( self, param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest], time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None, coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified locations. Complex requests (requesting magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time) require at least the first two paramters. Parameters ---------- param1 A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier (returned by get_observatories). time_range A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop time of requested data. The datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and the returned data may not have the expected range. coords Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or time_range does not contain valid values. """ if isinstance(param1, DataRequest): request = param1 else: request = SscWs.__create_locations_request(param1, time_range, coords) return self.__get_locations(request)
def get_locations2(self, param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest], time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None, coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None) ‑> Dict
Gets the specified locations using CDF instead of XML. This method is faster, supports larger requests, and the server supports more concurrency with this method than with the
method. Complex requests (requesting magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time) require at least the first two paramters.Parameters
- A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier (returned by get_observatories).
- A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop time of requested data. The datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and the returned data may not have the expected range.
- Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE.
- Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
- If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or time_range does not contain valid values.
- If cdflib is not installed.
This method is experimental and may be eliminated or changed significantly in future releases. Code expecting a stable API should use
instead. The results returned are compatible withSscWs.get_locations()
except that the numpy array of datetime.datetime values are returned as a numpy array of numpy.datetime64 values. This method requires the cdflib module to be installed.See Also
- Gets the specified locations.
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def get_locations2( self, param1: Union[List[str], DataRequest], time_range: Union[List[str], TimeInterval] = None, coords: List[CoordinateSystem] = None ) -> Dict: """ Gets the specified locations using CDF instead of XML. This method is faster, supports larger requests, and the server supports more concurrency with this method than with the `SscWs.get_locations` method. Complex requests (requesting magnetic field model values) require a single DataRequest parameter. Simple requests (for only x, y, z, lat, lon, local_time) require at least the first two paramters. Parameters ---------- param1 A locations DataRequest or a list of observatory identifier (returned by get_observatories). time_range A TimeInterval or two element array of ISO 8601 string values of the start and stop time of requested data. The datetime values should have a UTC timezone. If the values have no timezone, it will be set to UTC. A datetime with a non-UTC timezone, will have its value adjusted to UTC and the returned data may not have the expected range. coords Array of CoordinateSystem values that location information is to be in. If None, default is CoordinateSystem.GSE. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> Raises ------ ValueError If param1 is not a DataRequest and time_range is missing or time_range does not contain valid values. ModuleNotFoundExcepttion If cdflib is not installed. Warnings -------- This method is experimental and may be eliminated or changed significantly in future releases. Code expecting a stable API should use `SscWs.get_locations` instead. The results returned are compatible with `SscWs.get_locations` except that the numpy array of datetime.datetime values are returned as a numpy array of numpy.datetime64 values. This method requires the cdflib module to be installed. See Also -------- SscWs.get_locations : Gets the specified locations. """ if not CDF_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError('cdflib module not installed') if isinstance(param1, DataRequest): request = param1 else: request = SscWs.__create_locations_request(param1, time_range, coords) if request.format_options is None: request.format_options = CdfFormatOptions() request.format_options.cdf = True result = self.__get_locations(request) if result['HttpStatus'] == 200: #print('result = ', result) result = self.get_locations_from_file(result) return result
def get_locations_from_file(self, results: Result) ‑> Dict
Gets the given file(s) from the server and returns the contents in a dictionary.
- results to get locations from.
- Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
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def get_locations_from_file( self, results: Result ) -> Dict: """ Gets the given file(s) from the server and returns the contents in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- results results to get locations from. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors Result from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ locations_result = {} locations_result['HttpStatus'] = results['HttpStatus'] locations_result['StatusCode'] = results['StatusCode'] locations_result['StatusSubCode'] = results['StatusSubCode'] locations_result['Data'] = np.empty(len(results['Files']), dtype=object) #print('results = ', results) for index in range(len(results['Files'])): tmp_cdf_file = 'unset' try: result_url = results['Files'][index]['Name'] tmp_cdf_file = #print('tmp_cdf_file', tmp_cdf_file) cdf = Cdf() locations_result['Data'][index] = cdf.get_satellite_data() #cdf.close() ??? os.remove(tmp_cdf_file) #print('tmp_cdf_file', tmp_cdf_file, 'retained') except: self.logger.error('Exception from read_data(%s): %s', tmp_cdf_file, sys.exc_info()[0]) self.logger.error('CDF file has been retained.') raise return locations_result
def get_observatories(self) ‑> Dict
Gets a description of the available SSC observatories.
- Dictionary whose structure mirrors ObservatoryResponse from
with the addition of the following key/values:
- HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.
When HttpStatus != 200:
- HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.
When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):
- ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.
- ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.
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def get_observatories( self ) -> Dict: """ Gets a description of the available SSC observatories. Returns ------- Dict Dictionary whose structure mirrors ObservatoryResponse from <> with the addition of the following key/values:<br> - HttpStatus: with the value of the HTTP status code. Successful == 200.<br> When HttpStatus != 200:<br> - HttpText: containing a string representation of the HTTP entity body.<br> When HttpText is a standard SSC WS error entity body the following key/values (convenience to avoid parsing HttpStatus):<br> - ErrorMessage: value from HttpText.<br> - ErrorDescription: value from HttpText.<br> """ url = self._endpoint + 'observatories' self.logger.debug('request url = %s', url) headers = None if self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] is not None: headers = { 'If-None-Match': self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] } response = self._session.get(url, timeout=self._timeout, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 304: return self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] status = self.__get_status(response) if response.status_code != 200: return status observatory_response = ET.fromstring(response.text) result = { 'Observatory': [] } for observatory in observatory_response.findall('ssc:Observatory', namespaces=NS): result['Observatory'].append({ 'Id': observatory.find('ssc:Id', namespaces=NS).text, 'Name': observatory.find('ssc:Name', namespaces=NS).text, 'Resolution': int(observatory.find('ssc:Resolution', namespaces=NS).text), 'StartTime': dateutil.parser.parse(observatory.find(\ 'ssc:StartTime', namespaces=NS).text), 'EndTime': dateutil.parser.parse(observatory.find(\ 'ssc:EndTime', namespaces=NS).text), 'ResourceId': observatory.find('ssc:ResourceId', namespaces=NS).text }) result.update(status) if 'ETag' in response.headers: etag = response.headers['ETag'] # workaround old apache bugs that are still causing problems etag = etag.replace('-gzip', '') self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] = etag self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] = result else: self._cache['Observatories']['ETag'] = None self._cache['Observatories']['Value'] = None return result